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Table of Contents - Special Paper 420

Sedimentary Provenance and Petrogenesis: Perspectives from Petrography and Geochemistry

edited by José Arribas, Salvatore Critelli, and Mark J. Johnsson

Preface v
1. Comparison of river and beach sand composition with source rocks, Dolomite Alps drainage basins, northeastern Italy
M. Dane Picard and Earle F. McBride
2. Cyclic variations in sediment provenance from late Pleistocene deposits of the eastern Po Plain, Italy
Alessandro Amorosi, Maria Luisa Colalongo, Enrico Dinelli, Federico Lucchini, and Stefano Claudio Vaiani
3. Geochemical and mineralogical proxies for grain size in mudstones and siltstones from the Pleistocene and Holocene of the Po River alluvial plain, Italy
Enrico Dinelli, Fabio Tateo, and Vito Summa
4. Petrography of Paleogene turbiditic sedimentation in northeastern Italy
Cristina Stefani, Massimiliano Zattin, and Paolo Grandesso
5. Alluvial sand composition as a tool to unravel late Quaternary sedimentation of the Modena Plain, northern Italy
Stefano Lugli, Simona Marchetti Dori, and Daniela Fontana
6. Geochemistry and petrography of Western Tethys Cretaceous sedimentary covers (Corsica and Northern Apennines): From source areas to configuration of margins
Laura Bracciali, Michele Marroni, Luca Pandolfi, and Sergio Rocchi
7. Petrographic analysis in regional geology interpretation: Case history of the Macigno (northern Apennines)
Piero Bruni, Enrico Pandeli, and Massimo Nebbiai
8. Interpreting siliciclastic-carbonate detrital modes in foreland basin systems: An example from Upper Miocene arenites of the central Apennines, Italy
Salvatore Critelli, Emilia Le Pera, Fabrizio Galluzzo, Salvatore Milli, Massimiliano Moscatelli, Sonia Perrotta, and Massimo Santantonio
9. Interpreting gypsarenites in the Rossano basin (Calabria, Italy): A contribution to the characterization of the Messinian salinity crisis in the Mediterranean
Mirko Barone, Rocco Dominici, and Stefano Lugli
10. The onset of the sedimentary cycle in a mid-latitude upland environment: Weathering, pedogenesis, and geomorphic processes on plutonic rocks (Sila Massif, Calabria)
Fabio Scarciglia, Emilia Le Pera, and Salvatore Critelli
11. Interpreting carbonate particles in modern continental sands: An example from fluvial sands (Iberian Range, Spain)
M.E. Arribas and J. Arribas
12. Provenance discrimination of Lower Cretaceous synrift sandstones (eastern Iberian Chain, Spain): Constraints from detrital modes, heavy minerals, and geochemistry
M.A. Caja, R. Marfil, M. Lago, R. Salas, and K. Ramseyer
13. Significance of geochemical signatures on provenance in intracratonic rift basins: Examples from the Iberian plate
M. Ochoa, M.E. Arribas, J. Arribas, and R. Mas
14. Complex examination of the Upper Paleozoic siliciclastic rocks from southern Transdanubia, SW Hungary—Mineralogical, petrographic, and geochemical study
Andrea Varga, György Szakmány, Tibor Árgyelán, Sándor Józsa, Béla Raucsik, and Zoltán Máthé
15. First-cycle sandstone composition and color of associated fine-grained rocks as an aid to resolve Gondwana stratigraphy in peninsular India
Prodip K. Dutta
16. Sand and gravel provenance in the Waipaoa River system: Sedimentary recycling in an actively deforming forearc basin, North Island, New Zealand
Dawn E. James, Alissa M. DeVaughn, and Kathleen M. Marsaglia
17. The petrology and provenance of sand in the Bounty submarine fan, New Zealand
Shawn A. Shapiro, Kathleen M. Marsaglia, and Lionel Carter
18. Sediment sources of beach sand from the southern coast of the Baja California peninsula, Mexico—Fourier grain-shape analysis
J.M. Murillo-Jiménez, William Full, E.H. Nava-Sánchez, V. Camacho-Valdéz, and A. León-Manilla
19. Detrital apatite geochemistry and its application in provenance studies
Andrew Morton and Greg Yaxley
20. Predicting sand character with integrated genetic analysis
William A. Heins and Suzanne Kairo
Index 381