GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - Special Paper 421

Advances in High-Pressure Mineralogy

edited by Eiji Ohtani

Preface v

Part 1. Phase Transitions of Earth and Planetary Materials at High Pressure
1. Phase transitions of minerals in the transition zone and upper part of the lower mantle
M. Akaogi
2. Properties of lower mantle Al-(Mg,Fe)SiO3 perovskite
D. Andrault
3. Discovery of post-perovskite phase transition and implications for the nature of the D" layer of the mantle
K. Hirose and K. Kawamura
4. High-pressure phase transformations in the system FeO-MgO
I.Yu. Kantor, A.P. Kantor, L.S. Dubrovinsky, and C.A. McCammon
5. High-pressure mineral assemblages in shocked meteorites and shocked terrestrial rocks: Mechanisms of phase transformations and constraints to pressure and temperature histories
P. Gillet, A. El Goresy, P. Beck, and M. Chen

Part 2. Role of Volatiles in the Earth
6. High-pressure mineralogy of diamond genesis
Y.A. Litvin
7. Melting of ice VII and new high-pressure, high-temperature amorphous ice
L. Dubrovinsky and N. Dubrovinskaia
8. Effect of water on the phase relations in Earth’s mantle and deep water cycle
K.D. Litasov and E. Ohtani

Part 3. New Techniques in Mineral Physics
9. Geophysical applications of nuclear resonant spectroscopy
W. Sturhahn and J.M. Jackson
10. Single-crystal structure and electron-density analyses of Earth’s interior under high-pressure and high-temperature conditions using synchrotron radiation
T. Yamanaka
11. Phase-relation studies of mantle minerals by in situ X-ray diffraction using multianvil apparatus
T. Katsura
12. Multianvil techniques in conjunction with synchrotron radiation at Deutsches ElektronenSYnchrotron (DESY) – HAmburger SYnchrotron LABor (HASYLAB)
H.J. Mueller, F.R. Schilling, and C. Lathe
13. X-ray microtomography under high pressure
T. Uchida, Y. Wang, F. Westferro, M.L. Rivers, J. Gebhardt, and S.R. Sutton
Index 239