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Table of Contents - Special Paper 421Advances in High-Pressure Mineralogyedited by Eiji Ohtani |
Preface | v | |
Part 1. Phase Transitions of Earth and Planetary Materials at High Pressure |
1. | Phase transitions of minerals in the transition zone and upper part of the lower mantle M. Akaogi |
1 |
2. | Properties of lower mantle Al-(Mg,Fe)SiO3 perovskite D. Andrault |
15 |
3. | Discovery of post-perovskite phase transition and implications for the nature of the D" layer of the mantle K. Hirose and K. Kawamura |
37 |
4. | High-pressure phase transformations in the system FeO-MgO I.Yu. Kantor, A.P. Kantor, L.S. Dubrovinsky, and C.A. McCammon |
47 |
5. | High-pressure mineral assemblages in shocked meteorites and shocked terrestrial rocks: Mechanisms of phase transformations and constraints to pressure and temperature histories P. Gillet, A. El Goresy, P. Beck, and M. Chen |
57 |
Part 2. Role of Volatiles in the Earth |
6. | High-pressure mineralogy of diamond genesis Y.A. Litvin |
83 |
7. | Melting of ice VII and new high-pressure, high-temperature amorphous ice L. Dubrovinsky and N. Dubrovinskaia |
105 |
8. | Effect of water on the phase relations in Earth’s mantle and deep water cycle K.D. Litasov and E. Ohtani |
115 |
Part 3. New Techniques in Mineral Physics |
9. | Geophysical applications of nuclear resonant spectroscopy W. Sturhahn and J.M. Jackson |
157 |
10. | Single-crystal structure and electron-density analyses of Earth’s interior under high-pressure and high-temperature conditions using synchrotron radiation T. Yamanaka |
175 |
11. | Phase-relation studies of mantle minerals by in situ X-ray diffraction using multianvil apparatus T. Katsura |
189 |
12. | Multianvil techniques in conjunction with synchrotron radiation at Deutsches ElektronenSYnchrotron (DESY) – HAmburger SYnchrotron LABor (HASYLAB) H.J. Mueller, F.R. Schilling, and C. Lathe |
207 |
13. | X-ray microtomography under high pressure T. Uchida, Y. Wang, F. Westferro, M.L. Rivers, J. Gebhardt, and S.R. Sutton |
227 |
Index | 239 |