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Table of Contents - Special Paper 423The Evolution of the Rheic Ocean: From Avalonian-Cadomian Active Margin to Alleghenian-Variscan Collisionedited by Ulf Linnemann, R. Damian Nance, Petr Kraft, and Gernold Zulauf |
Preface | vii | |
1. | The assembly of West Gondwana—The view from the Rio de la Plata craton Kerstin Saalmann, Léo A. Hartmann, and Marcus V.D. Remus |
1 |
2. | Geodynamic evolution of the northwestern Paleo-Gondwanan margin in the Moroccan Atlas at the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary Andre Pouclet, Abdellatif Aarab, Abdelilah Fekkak, and Mohammed Benharref |
27 |
3. | The continuum between Cadomian orogenesis and opening of the Rheic Ocean: Constraints from LA-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon dating and analysis of plate-tectonic setting (Saxo-Thuringian zone, northeastern Bohemian Massif, Germany) Ulf Linnemann, Axel Gerdes, Kerstin Drost, and Bernd Buschmann |
61 |
4. | The Lausitz graywackes, Saxo-Thuringia, Germany—Witness to the Cadomian orogeny Helga Kemnitz |
97 |
5. | Paleontological data from the Early Cambrian of Germany and paleobiogeographical implications for the configuration of central Perigondwana Olaf Elicki |
143 |
6. | The Variscan orogeny in the Saxo-Thuringian zone—Heterogenous overprint of Cadomian/Paleozoic Peri-Gondwana crust U. Kroner, T. Hahn, Rolf L. Romer, and Ulf Linnemann |
153 |
7. | Far Eastern Avalonia: Its chronostratigraphic structure revealed by SHRIMP zircon ages from Upper Carboniferous to Lower Permian volcanic rocks (drill cores from Germany, Poland, and Denmark) Christoph Breitkreuz, Allen Kennedy, Marion Geißler, Bodo-Carlo Ehling, Jürgen Kopp, Andrzej Muszynski, Aleksander Protas, and Svend Stouge |
173 |
8. | Nd-Sr-Pb isotopic signatures of Neoproterozoic–Early Paleozoic siliciclastic rocks in response to changing geotectonic regimes: A case study from the Barrandian area (Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic) Kerstin Drost, Rolf L. Romer, Ulf Linnemann, Oldøich Fatka, Petr Kraft, and Jaroslav Marek |
191 |
9. | The diversity and geodynamic significance of Late Cambrian (ca. 500 Ma) felsic anorogenic magmatism in the northern part of the Bohemian Massif: A review based on Sm-Nd isotope and geochemical data Christian Pin, R. Kryza, T. Oberc-Dziedzic, S. Mazur, K. Turniak, and Jarmila Waldhausrová |
209 |
10. | Sm-Nd isotope and trace element study of Late Proterozoic metabasalts (“spilites”) from the Central Barrandian domain (Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic) Christian Pin and Jarmila Waldhausrová |
231 |
11. | Structural evolution of the Prague synform (Czech Republic) during Silurian times: An AMS, rock magnetism, and paleomagnetic study of the Svatý Jan pod Skalou dikes. Consequences for the nappes emplacement Tahar Aïfa, Petr Pruner, Martin Chadima, and Petr Štorch |
249 |
12. | Cadomian and Variscan metamorphic events in the Léon domain (Armorican Massif, France): PT data and EMP monazite dating Bernhard Schulz, Erwin Krenn, Fritz Finger, Helene Brätz, and Reiner Klemd |
267 |
13. | U-Pb depositional age for the upper Barrios Formation (Armorican Quartzite facies) in the Cantabrian zone of Iberia: Implications for stratigraphic correlation and paleogeography Gabriel Gutiérrez-Alonso, Javier Fernández-Suárez, Juan Carlos Gutiérrez-Marco, Fernando Corfu, J. Brendan Murphy, and Mercedes Suárez |
287 |
14. | Contrasting mantle sources and processes involved in a peri-Gondwanan terrane: A case study of pre-Variscan mafic intrusives from the autochthon of the Central Iberian Zone Miguel López-Plaza, Mercedes Peinado, Francisco-Javier López-Moro, M. Dolores Rodríguez-Alonso, Asunción Carnicero, M. Piedad Franco, Juan Carlos Gonzalo, and Marina Navidad |
297 |
15. | Tectonic evolution of the upper allochthon of the Órdenes complex (northwestern Iberian Massif): Structural constraints to a polyorogenic peri-Gondwanan terrane Juan Gómez Barreiro, José R. Martínez Catalán, Ricardo Arenas, Pedro Castiñeiras, Jacobo Abati, Florentino Díaz García, and Jan R. Wijbrans |
315 |
16. | Crustal growth and deformational processes in the northern Gondwana margin: Constraints from the Évora Massif (Ossa-Morena zone, southwest Iberia, Portugal) M. Francisco Pereira, J. Brandão Silva, Martim Chichorro, Patrícia Moita, José F. Santos, Arturo Apraiz, and Cristina Ribeiro |
333 |
17. | The Lower–Middle Cambrian boundary in the Mediterranean subprovince Rodolfo Gozalo, Eladio Liñán, María Eugenia Dies Álvarez, José Antonio Gámez Vintaned, and Eduardo Mayoral |
359 |
18. | Avalonian and Baltican terranes in the Moesian Platform (southern Europe, Romania, and Bulgaria) in the context of Caledonian terranes along the southwestern margin of the East European craton Martin S. Oczlon, Antoneta Seghedi, and Charles W. Carrigan |
375 |
19. | Crete and the Minoan terranes: Age constraints from U-Pb dating of detrital zircons G. Zulauf, S.S. Romano, W. Dörr, and J. Fiala |
401 |
20. | Geological evolution of middle to late Paleozoic rocks in the Avalon terrane of northern mainland Nova Scotia, Canadian Appalachians: A record of tectonothermal activity along the northern margin of the Rheic Ocean in the Appalachian-Caledonide orogen J. Brendan Murphy |
413 |
21. | Vestige of the Rheic Ocean in North America: The Acatlán Complex of southern México R. Damian Nance, Brent V. Miller, J. Duncan Keppie, J. Brendan Murphy, and Jaroslav Dostal |
437 |
22. | Provenance of the Granjeno Schist, Ciudad Victoria, México: Detrital zircon U-Pb age constraints and implications for the Paleozoic paleogeography of the Rheic Ocean R. Damian Nance, Javier Fernández-Suárez, J. Duncan Keppie, Craig Storey, and Teresa E. Jeffries |
453 |
23. | Ordovician calc-alkaline granitoids in the Acatlán Complex, southern México: Geochemical and geochronologic data and implications for the tectonics of the Gondwanan margin of the Rheic Ocean Brent V. Miller, Jaroslav Dostal, J. Duncan Keppie, R. Damian Nance, Amabel Ortega-Rivera, and James K.W. Lee |
465 |
24. | Ordovician–Devonian oceanic basalts in the Cosoltepec Formation, Acatlán Complex, southern México: Vestiges of the Rheic Ocean? J. Duncan Keppie, Jaroslav Dostal, and Mariano Elías-Herrera |
477 |
25. | P-T-t constraints on exhumation following subduction in the Rheic Ocean from eclogitic rocks in the Acatlán Complex of southern México Matt Middleton, J. Duncan Keppie, J. Brendan Murphy, Brent V. Miller, R. Damian Nance, Amabel Ortega-Rivera, and James K.W. Lee |
489 |
26. | Life and death of a Cambrian–Ordovician basin: An Andean three-act play featuring Gondwana and the Arequipa-Antofalla terrane Sven O. Egenhoff |
511 |
27. | A Late Ordovician ice sheet in South America: Evidence from the Cancañiri tillites, southern Bolivia Frank Schönian and Sven O. Egenhoff |
525 |
28. | Sedimentary basins in the southwestern Siberian craton: Late Neoproterozoic–Early Cambrian rifting and collisional events Julius Konstantinovich Sovetov, Anna Evgen’evna Kulikova, and Maxim Nikolaevich Medvedev |
549 |
29. | Aluminum phosphate in Proterozoic metaquartzites: Implications for the Precambrian oceanic P budget and development of life Giulio Morteani, Dietrich Ackermand, and Jörg Trappe |
579 |
Index | 593 |