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Table of Contents - Special Paper 426Coastline Changes: Interrelation of Climate and Geological Processesedited by Jan Harff, William W. Hay, and Daniel M. Tetzlaff |
Introduction | ||
1. | Coastlines as zones of interaction among geological processes, climate change, and socioeconomic development—Modeling opportunities J. Harff, W.W. Hay, and D.M. Tetzlaff |
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Models Describing the Driving Forces of Coastal Change and Effects of Their Interrelation |
2. | Postglacial coastal evolution: Ice–ocean–solid Earth interactions in a period of rapid climate change W.R. Peltier |
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3. | Simulation of the Eemian interglacial and possible mechanisms for the glacial inception F. Kaspar and U. Cubasch |
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4. | Predicting seabed change as a function of climate change over the next 50 yr in the Australian southeast F. Li, C.P. Dyt, C.M. Griffiths, and K.L. McInnes |
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5. | Interaction among sedimentation, compaction, and groundwater flow in coastal settings D.M. Tetzlaff and M.-T. Schafmeister |
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Model Areas |
The Arctic and the Northern Hemisphere |
6. | The Laptev Sea system since the last glacial H. Kassens, J. Thiede, H.A. Bauch, J.A. Hoelemann, I. Dmitrenko, S. Pivovarov, S. Priamikov, L. Timokhov, and C. Wegner |
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7. | The evolution and degradation of coastal and offshore permafrost in the Laptev and Eastern Siberian Seas during the last climatic cycle P.P. Overduin, H.-W. Hubberten, V. Rachold, N. Romanovskii, M. Grigoriev, and M. Kasymskaya |
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8. | Climate and the migration of early peoples into the Americas R. Hetherington, A.J. Weaver, and Á. Montenegro |
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Marginal Seas |
9. | The Baltic Sea coast—A model of interrelations among geosphere, climate, and anthroposphere J. Harff, W. Lemke, R. Lampe, F. Lüth, H. Lübke, M. Meyer, F. Tauber, and U. Schmölcke |
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10. | Southern Baltic sea-level oscillations: New radiocarbon, pollen and diatom proof of the Puck Lagoon (Poland) S. Ućcinowicz, J. Zachowicz, G. Miotk-Szpiganowicz, and A. Witkowski |
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11. | Modeling Holocene coastal erosion and sediment supply in the western North Sea J.G. Rees, R. Newsham, and C.D.R. Evans |
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12. | A Black Sea lowstand at 8500 yr B.P. indicated by a relict coastal dune system at a depth of 90 m below sea level G. Lericolais, I. Popescu, F. Guichard, and S.M. Popescu |
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13. | Sinis Peninsula (Western Sardinia, Italy) coastal system analysis through hydrodynamic and remote-sensing techniques A. Atzeni, D. Pani, and N. Ibba |
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14. | A long-term morphological modeling study on the evolution of the Pearl River Delta, network system, and estuarine bays since 6000 yr B.P. C.Y. Wu, J. Ren, Y. Bao, Y.P. Lei, and H.Y. Shi |
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