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Table of Contents - Special Paper 428

Geologic and Tectonic Development of the Caribbean Plate Boundary in Northern Central America

edited by Paul Mann

1. Overview of the tectonic history of northern Central America
P. Mann
2. Present motion and deformation of the Caribbean plate: Constraints from new GPS geodetic measurements from Honduras and Nicaragua
C. DeMets, G. Mattioli, P. Jansma, R.D. Rogers, C. Tenorio, and H.L. Turner
3. Transtensional deformation of the western Caribbean–North America plate boundary zone
R.D. Rogers and P. Mann
4. Tectonic terranes of the Chortis block based on integration of regional aeromagnetic and geologic data
R.D. Rogers, P. Mann, and P.A. Emmet
5. Cretaceous intra-arc rifting, sedimentation, and basin inversion in east-central Honduras
R.D. Rogers, P. Mann, R.W. Scott, and L. Patino
6. Colon fold belt of Honduras: Evidence for Late Cretaceous collision between the continental Chortis block and intra-oceanic Caribbean arc
R.D. Rogers, P. Mann, P.A. Emmet, and M.E. Venable
7. Petrogenesis of Central American Tertiary ignimbrites and associated Caribbean Sea tephra
B.R. Jordan, H. Sigurdsson, S. Carey, S. Lundin, R.D. Rogers, B. Singer, and M. Barquero-Molina