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Table of Contents - Special Paper 430Plates, Plumes, and Planetary Processesedited by Gillian R. Foulger and Donna M. Jurdy |
Preface | vii | |
Scope of the Volume, the Review Process, and Acknowledgments | ix | |
Plates and Plumes |
1. | The “plate” model for the genesis of melting anomalies Gillian R. Foulger |
1 |
2. | Origins of the plume hypothesis and some of its implications Norman H. Sleep |
29 |
3. | The eclogite engine: Chemical geodynamics as a Galileo thermometer Don L. Anderson |
47 |
4. | Plate velocities in the hotspot reference frame W. Jason Morgan and Jason Phipps Morgan |
65 |
Mantle Convection and Seismology |
5. | Implications of lower-mantle structural heterogeneity for the existence and nature of whole-mantle plumes Edward J. Garnero, Thorne Lay, and Allen McNamara |
79 |
6. | The structure of thermal plumes and geophysical observations Scott D. King and Hannah L. Redmond |
103 |
7. | Seismic observations of transition-zone discontinuities beneath hotspot locations Arwen Deuss |
121 |
8. | Lower-mantle material properties and convection models of multiscale plumes Ctirad Matyska and David A. Yuen |
137 |
9. | Global plume-fed asthenosphere flow—I: Motivation and model development Michiko Yamamoto, Jason Phipps Morgan, and W. Jason Morgan |
165 |
10. | Global plume-fed asthenosphere flow—II: Application to the geochemical segmentation of mid-ocean ridges Michiko Yamamoto, Jason Phipps Morgan, and W. Jason Morgan |
189 |
11. | The Hawaiian SWELL pilot experiment—Evidence for lithosphere rejuvenation from ocean bottom surface wave data Gabi Laske, Jason Phipps Morgan, and John A. Orcutt |
209 |
Heat and Temperature |
12. | Crystallization temperatures of tholeiite parental liquids: Implications for the existence of thermally driven mantle plumes Trevor J. Falloon, David H. Green, and Leonid V. Danyushevsky |
235 |
13. | Potential effects of hydrothermal circulation and magmatism on heatflow at hotspot swells Carol A. Stein and Richard P. Von Herzen |
261 |
14. | Crustal geotherm in southern Deccan basalt province, India: The Moho is as cold as adjoining cratons P. Senthil Kumar, Rajeev Menon, and G. Koti Reddy |
275 |
Geochronology, Hotspot Fixity, and Reference Frames |
15. | A quantitative tool for detecting alteration in undisturbed rocks and minerals—I:Water, chemical weathering, and atmospheric argon Ajoy K. Baksi |
285 |
16. | A quantitative tool for detecting alteration in undisturbed rocks and minerals—II: Application to argon ages related to hotspots Ajoy K. Baksi |
305 |
17. | Divergence between paleomagnetic and hotspot-model–predicted polar wander for the Pacific plate with implications for hotspot fixity William W. Sager |
335 |
18. | Global kinematics in deep versus shallow hotspot reference frames Marco Cuffaro and Carlo Doglioni |
359 |
19. | Ridge-crossing seamount chains: A nonthermal approach Erin K. Beutel and Don L. Anderson |
375 |
Oceanic Melting Anomalies |
20. | The OIB paradox J. Godfrey Fitton |
387 |
21. | ΔNb and the role of magma mixing at the East Pacific Rise and Iceland James H. Natland |
413 |
22. | Speculations on Cretaceous tectonic history of the northwest Pacific and a tectonic origin for the Hawaii hotspot Ian O. Norton |
451 |
23. | A plate model for Jurassic to Recent intraplate volcanism in the Pacific Ocean basin Alan D. Smith |
471 |
24. | Propagation of the Hawaiian-Emperor volcano chain by Pacific plate cooling stress William D. Stuart, Gillian R. Foulger, and Michael Barall |
497 |
25. | Geophysical characterization of mantle melting anomalies: A crustal view Valentí Sallarès and Alcinoe Calahorrano |
507 |
26. | The North Atlantic Igneous Province: A review of models for its formation Romain Meyer, Jolante van Wijk, and Laurent Gernigon |
525 |
27. | Origin of the Bermuda volcanoes and the Bermuda Rise: History, observations, models, and puzzles Peter R. Vogt and Wu-Yeol Jung |
553 |
Continental Melting Anomalies |
28. | Lithospheric control of Gondwana breakup: Implications of a trans-Gondwana icosahedral fracture system James W. Sears |
593 |
29. | The origin of post-Paleozoic magmatism in eastern Paraguay Piero Comin-Chiaramonti, Andrea Marzoli, Celso de Barros Gomes, Anderson Milan, Claudio Riccomini, Victor Fernandez Velázquez, Marta M.S. Mantovani, Paul Renne, Colombo Celso Gaeta Tassinari, and Paulo Marcos Vasconcelos |
603 |
30. | The origin of the Columbia River flood basalt province: Plume versus nonplume models Peter R. Hooper, Victor E. Camp, Stephen P. Reidel, and Martin E. Ross |
635 |
31. | Evaluation of different models for the origin of the Siberian Traps Alexei V. Ivanov |
669 |
32. | Eastern Anatolia: A hotspot in a collision zone without a mantle plume Mehmet Keskin |
693 |
33. | Phantom plumes in Europe and the circum-Mediterranean region Michele Lustrino and Eugenio Carminati |
723 |
34. | Mechanisms of crustal growth in large igneous provinces: The north Atlantic province as a case study Laurent Geoffroy, Charles Aubourg, Jean-Paul Callot, and Jean-Alix Barrat |
747 |
35. | K-T magmatism and basin tectonism in western Rajasthan, India, results from extensional tectonics and not from Réunion plume activity Kamal K. Sharma |
775 |
36. | Plume-related regional prevolcanic uplift in the Deccan Traps: Absence of evidence, evidence of absence H.C. Sheth |
785 |
37. | Nd and Sr isotope systematics and geochemistry of a plume-related Early Cretaceous alkaline-mafic-ultramafic igneous complex from Jasra, Shillong plateau, northeastern India Rajesh K. Srivastava and Anup K. Sinha |
815 |
38. | A bimodal large igneous province and the plume debate: The Paleoproterozoic Dongargarh Group, central India Sarajit Sensarma |
831 |
39. | Thick, high-velocity crust in the Emeishan large igneous province, southwestern China: Evidence for crustal growth by magmatic underplating or intraplating Yi-Gang Xu and Bin He |
841 |
Planetary Evolution |
40. | The coronae of Venus: Impact, plume, or other origin? Donna M. Jurdy and Paul R. Stoddard |
859 |
41. | An alternative Venus Warren B. Hamilton |
879 |
42. | Interaction between local magma ocean evolution and mantle dynamics on Mars Chris C. Reese, Viatcheslav S. Solomatov, and Christopher P. Orth |
913 |
Education |
43. | The mantle plume debate in undergraduate geoscience education: Overview, history, and recommendations Brennan T. Jordan |
933 |
Platonics and Plumacy |
44. | Graphic solutions to problems of plumacy J.C. Holden and P.R. Vogt |
945 |
45. | Plumacy reprise P.R. Vogt and J.C. Holden |
955 |