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Table of Contents - Special Paper 430

Plates, Plumes, and Planetary Processes

edited by Gillian R. Foulger and Donna M. Jurdy

Preface vii
Scope of the Volume, the Review Process, and Acknowledgments ix

Plates and Plumes
1. The “plate” model for the genesis of melting anomalies
Gillian R. Foulger
2. Origins of the plume hypothesis and some of its implications
Norman H. Sleep
3. The eclogite engine: Chemical geodynamics as a Galileo thermometer
Don L. Anderson
4. Plate velocities in the hotspot reference frame
W. Jason Morgan and Jason Phipps Morgan

Mantle Convection and Seismology
5. Implications of lower-mantle structural heterogeneity for the existence and nature of whole-mantle plumes
Edward J. Garnero, Thorne Lay, and Allen McNamara
6. The structure of thermal plumes and geophysical observations
Scott D. King and Hannah L. Redmond
7. Seismic observations of transition-zone discontinuities beneath hotspot locations
Arwen Deuss
8. Lower-mantle material properties and convection models of multiscale plumes
Ctirad Matyska and David A. Yuen
9. Global plume-fed asthenosphere flow—I: Motivation and model development
Michiko Yamamoto, Jason Phipps Morgan, and W. Jason Morgan
10. Global plume-fed asthenosphere flow—II: Application to the geochemical segmentation of mid-ocean ridges
Michiko Yamamoto, Jason Phipps Morgan, and W. Jason Morgan
11. The Hawaiian SWELL pilot experiment—Evidence for lithosphere rejuvenation from ocean bottom surface wave data
Gabi Laske, Jason Phipps Morgan, and John A. Orcutt

Heat and Temperature
12. Crystallization temperatures of tholeiite parental liquids: Implications for the existence of thermally driven mantle plumes
Trevor J. Falloon, David H. Green, and Leonid V. Danyushevsky
13. Potential effects of hydrothermal circulation and magmatism on heatflow at hotspot swells
Carol A. Stein and Richard P. Von Herzen
14. Crustal geotherm in southern Deccan basalt province, India: The Moho is as cold as adjoining cratons
P. Senthil Kumar, Rajeev Menon, and G. Koti Reddy

Geochronology, Hotspot Fixity, and Reference Frames
15. A quantitative tool for detecting alteration in undisturbed rocks and minerals—I:Water, chemical weathering, and atmospheric argon
Ajoy K. Baksi
16. A quantitative tool for detecting alteration in undisturbed rocks and minerals—II: Application to argon ages related to hotspots
Ajoy K. Baksi
17. Divergence between paleomagnetic and hotspot-model–predicted polar wander for the Pacific plate with implications for hotspot fixity
William W. Sager
18. Global kinematics in deep versus shallow hotspot reference frames
Marco Cuffaro and Carlo Doglioni
19. Ridge-crossing seamount chains: A nonthermal approach
Erin K. Beutel and Don L. Anderson

Oceanic Melting Anomalies
20. The OIB paradox
J. Godfrey Fitton
21. ΔNb and the role of magma mixing at the East Pacific Rise and Iceland
James H. Natland
22. Speculations on Cretaceous tectonic history of the northwest Pacific and a tectonic origin for the Hawaii hotspot
Ian O. Norton
23. A plate model for Jurassic to Recent intraplate volcanism in the Pacific Ocean basin
Alan D. Smith
24. Propagation of the Hawaiian-Emperor volcano chain by Pacific plate cooling stress
William D. Stuart, Gillian R. Foulger, and Michael Barall
25. Geophysical characterization of mantle melting anomalies: A crustal view
Valentí Sallarès and Alcinoe Calahorrano
26. The North Atlantic Igneous Province: A review of models for its formation
Romain Meyer, Jolante van Wijk, and Laurent Gernigon
27. Origin of the Bermuda volcanoes and the Bermuda Rise: History, observations, models, and puzzles
Peter R. Vogt and Wu-Yeol Jung

Continental Melting Anomalies
28. Lithospheric control of Gondwana breakup: Implications of a trans-Gondwana icosahedral fracture system
James W. Sears
29. The origin of post-Paleozoic magmatism in eastern Paraguay
Piero Comin-Chiaramonti, Andrea Marzoli, Celso de Barros Gomes, Anderson Milan, Claudio Riccomini, Victor Fernandez Velázquez, Marta M.S. Mantovani, Paul Renne, Colombo Celso Gaeta Tassinari, and Paulo Marcos Vasconcelos
30. The origin of the Columbia River flood basalt province: Plume versus nonplume models
Peter R. Hooper, Victor E. Camp, Stephen P. Reidel, and Martin E. Ross
31. Evaluation of different models for the origin of the Siberian Traps
Alexei V. Ivanov
32. Eastern Anatolia: A hotspot in a collision zone without a mantle plume
Mehmet Keskin
33. Phantom plumes in Europe and the circum-Mediterranean region
Michele Lustrino and Eugenio Carminati
34. Mechanisms of crustal growth in large igneous provinces: The north Atlantic province as a case study
Laurent Geoffroy, Charles Aubourg, Jean-Paul Callot, and Jean-Alix Barrat
35. K-T magmatism and basin tectonism in western Rajasthan, India, results from extensional tectonics and not from Réunion plume activity
Kamal K. Sharma
36. Plume-related regional prevolcanic uplift in the Deccan Traps: Absence of evidence, evidence of absence
H.C. Sheth
37. Nd and Sr isotope systematics and geochemistry of a plume-related Early Cretaceous alkaline-mafic-ultramafic igneous complex from Jasra, Shillong plateau, northeastern India
Rajesh K. Srivastava and Anup K. Sinha
38. A bimodal large igneous province and the plume debate: The Paleoproterozoic Dongargarh Group, central India
Sarajit Sensarma
39. Thick, high-velocity crust in the Emeishan large igneous province, southwestern China: Evidence for crustal growth by magmatic underplating or intraplating
Yi-Gang Xu and Bin He

Planetary Evolution
40. The coronae of Venus: Impact, plume, or other origin?
Donna M. Jurdy and Paul R. Stoddard
41. An alternative Venus
Warren B. Hamilton
42. Interaction between local magma ocean evolution and mantle dynamics on Mars
Chris C. Reese, Viatcheslav S. Solomatov, and Christopher P. Orth

43. The mantle plume debate in undergraduate geoscience education: Overview, history, and recommendations
Brennan T. Jordan

Platonics and Plumacy
44. Graphic solutions to problems of plumacy
J.C. Holden and P.R. Vogt
45. Plumacy reprise
P.R. Vogt and J.C. Holden