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Table of Contents - Special Paper 433Whence the Mountains? Inquiries into the Evolution of Orogenic Systems: A Volume in Honor of Raymond A. Priceedited by James W. Sears, Tekla A. Harms, and Carol A. Evenchick |
Introduction J.W. Sears, T.A. Harms, and C.A. Evenchick |
v | |
Whence the mountains? — The contributions of Raymond A. Price J.W. Sears, T.A. Harms, and C.A. Evenchick |
xi | |
Tectonic Processes |
1. | Driving mechanism and 3-D circulation of plate tectonics W.B. Hamilton |
1 |
2. | Petrotectonics of ultrahigh-pressure crustal and upper-mantle rocks — Implications for Phanerozoic collisional orogens W.G. Ernst, B.R. Hacker, and J.G. Liou |
27 |
3. | How much strain can continental crust accommodate without developing obvious through-going faults? B.C. Burchfiel, C. Studnicki-Gizbert, J.W. Geissman, R.W. King, Z. Chen, L. Chen, and E. Wang |
51 |
4. | Mechanics of thin-skinned fold-and-thrust belts: Insights from numerical models G.S. Stockmal, C. Beaumont, M. Nguyen, and B. Lee |
63 |
Canada and U.S. Cordillera |
5. | Lithospheric-scale structures across the Alaskan and Canadian Cordillera: Comparisons and tectonic implications P.T.C. Hammer and R.M. Clowes |
99 |
6. | A synthesis of the Jurassic–Cretaceous tectonic evolution of the central and southeastern Canadian Cordillera: Exploring links across the orogen C.A. Evenchick, M.E. McMechan, V.J. McNicoll, and S.D. Carr |
117 |
7. | Belt-Purcell Basin: Keystone of the Rocky Mountain fold-and-thrust belt, United States and Canada J.W. Sears |
147 |
8. | Thermochronometric reconstruction of the prethrust paleogeothermal gradient and initial thickness of the Lewis thrust sheet, southeastern Canadian Cordillera foreland S. Feinstein, B. Kohn, K. Osadetz, and R.A. Price |
167 |
9. | Reconstructing the Snake River–Hoback River Canyon section of the Wyoming thrust belt through direct dating of clay-rich fault rocks J.G. Solum and B.A. van der Pluijm |
183 |
10. | Reinterpretation of fractures at Swift Reservoir, Rocky Mountain thrust front, Montana: Passage of a Jurassic forebulge? E.M.G. Ward and J.W. Sears |
197 |
11. | Structural, metamorphic, and geochronologic constraints on the origin of the Clearwater core complex, northern Idaho P.T. Doughty, K.R. Chamberlain, D.A. Foster, and G.S. Sha |
211 |
Appalachian Regions |
12. | Character of rigid boundaries and internal deformation of the southern Appalachian foreland fold-thrust belt R.D. Hatcher Jr., P.J. Lemiszki, and J.B. Whisner |
243 |
13. | Balancing tectonic shortening in contrasting deformation styles through a mechanically heterogeneous stratigraphic succession W.A. Thomas |
277 |
14. | Links among Carolinia, Avalonia, and Ganderia in the Appalachian peri-Gondwanan realm J.P. Hibbard, C.R. van Staal, and B.V. Miller |
291 |
15. | Cat Square basin, Catskill clastic wedge: Silurian-Devonian orogenic events in the central Appalachians and the crystalline southern Appalachians A.J. Dennis |
313 |
Asian and Pacific Regions |
16. | A stratigraphic unit converted to fault rocks in the Northland Allochthon of New Zealand: Response of a siliceous claystone to obduction K.B. Spörli |
331 |
17. | Strain rate in Paleozoic thrust sheets, the western Lachlan Orogen, Australia: Strain analysis and fabric geochronology D.A. Foster and D.R. Gray |
349 |
18. | Cenozoic tectonic evolution of Qaidam basin and its surrounding regions (part 2): Wedge tectonics in southern Qaidam basin and the eastern Kunlun Range A. Yin, Y. Dang, M. Zhang, M.W. McRivette, W.P. Burgess, and X. Chen |
369 |
19. | Defining the eastern boundary of the North Asian craton from structural and subsidence history studies of the Verkhoyansk fold-and-thrust belt A.K. Khudoley and A.V. Prokopiev |
391 |
Index |
411 |