GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - Special Paper 433

Whence the Mountains? Inquiries into the Evolution of Orogenic Systems: A Volume in Honor of Raymond A. Price

edited by James W. Sears, Tekla A. Harms, and Carol A. Evenchick

J.W. Sears, T.A. Harms, and C.A. Evenchick
Whence the mountains? — The contributions of Raymond A. Price
J.W. Sears, T.A. Harms, and C.A. Evenchick

Tectonic Processes
1. Driving mechanism and 3-D circulation of plate tectonics
W.B. Hamilton
2. Petrotectonics of ultrahigh-pressure crustal and upper-mantle rocks — Implications for Phanerozoic collisional orogens
W.G. Ernst, B.R. Hacker, and J.G. Liou
3. How much strain can continental crust accommodate without developing obvious through-going faults?
B.C. Burchfiel, C. Studnicki-Gizbert, J.W. Geissman, R.W. King, Z. Chen, L. Chen, and E. Wang
4. Mechanics of thin-skinned fold-and-thrust belts: Insights from numerical models
G.S. Stockmal, C. Beaumont, M. Nguyen, and B. Lee

Canada and U.S. Cordillera
5. Lithospheric-scale structures across the Alaskan and Canadian Cordillera: Comparisons and tectonic implications
P.T.C. Hammer and R.M. Clowes
6. A synthesis of the Jurassic–Cretaceous tectonic evolution of the central and southeastern Canadian Cordillera: Exploring links across the orogen
C.A. Evenchick, M.E. McMechan, V.J. McNicoll, and S.D. Carr
7. Belt-Purcell Basin: Keystone of the Rocky Mountain fold-and-thrust belt, United States and Canada
J.W. Sears
8. Thermochronometric reconstruction of the prethrust paleogeothermal gradient and initial thickness of the Lewis thrust sheet, southeastern Canadian Cordillera foreland
S. Feinstein, B. Kohn, K. Osadetz, and R.A. Price
9. Reconstructing the Snake River–Hoback River Canyon section of the Wyoming thrust belt through direct dating of clay-rich fault rocks
J.G. Solum and B.A. van der Pluijm
10. Reinterpretation of fractures at Swift Reservoir, Rocky Mountain thrust front, Montana: Passage of a Jurassic forebulge?
E.M.G. Ward and J.W. Sears
11. Structural, metamorphic, and geochronologic constraints on the origin of the Clearwater core complex, northern Idaho
P.T. Doughty, K.R. Chamberlain, D.A. Foster, and G.S. Sha

Appalachian Regions
12. Character of rigid boundaries and internal deformation of the southern Appalachian foreland fold-thrust belt
R.D. Hatcher Jr., P.J. Lemiszki, and J.B. Whisner
13. Balancing tectonic shortening in contrasting deformation styles through a mechanically heterogeneous stratigraphic succession
W.A. Thomas
14. Links among Carolinia, Avalonia, and Ganderia in the Appalachian peri-Gondwanan realm
J.P. Hibbard, C.R. van Staal, and B.V. Miller
15. Cat Square basin, Catskill clastic wedge: Silurian-Devonian orogenic events in the central Appalachians and the crystalline southern Appalachians
A.J. Dennis

Asian and Pacific Regions
16. A stratigraphic unit converted to fault rocks in the Northland Allochthon of New Zealand: Response of a siliceous claystone to obduction
K.B. Spörli
17. Strain rate in Paleozoic thrust sheets, the western Lachlan Orogen, Australia: Strain analysis and fabric geochronology
D.A. Foster and D.R. Gray
18. Cenozoic tectonic evolution of Qaidam basin and its surrounding regions (part 2): Wedge tectonics in southern Qaidam basin and the eastern Kunlun Range
A. Yin, Y. Dang, M. Zhang, M.W. McRivette, W.P. Burgess, and X. Chen
19. Defining the eastern boundary of the North Asian craton from structural and subsidence history studies of the Verkhoyansk fold-and-thrust belt
A.K. Khudoley and A.V. Prokopiev
