GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - Special Paper 434

Exhumation Associated with Continental Strike-Slip Fault Systems

edited by Alison B. Till, Sarah M. Roeske, James C. Sample, and David A. Foster

Acknowledgments v
Sarah M. Roeske, Alison B. Till, David A. Foster, and James C. Sample
1. Locating the deep extent of the plate boundary along the Alpine Fault zone, New Zealand: Implications for patterns of exhumation in the Southern Alps
Kevin P. Furlong
2. Patterns of bedrock uplift along the San Andreas fault and implications for mechanisms of transpression
James A. Spotila, Martha A. House, Nathan A. Niemi, Robert C. Brady, Mike Oskin, and Jamie T. Buscher
3. Yo-yo tectonics in a wrench zone, Central Anatolian fault zone, Turkey
Paul J. Umhoefer, Donna L. Whitney, Christian Teyssier, Annia K. Fayon, Gabriele Casale, and Matthew T. Heizler
4. Geometry and timing of strike-slip and normal faults in the northern Walker Lane, northwestern Nevada and northeastern California: Strain partitioning or sequential extension and strike-slip deformation?
Christopher D. Henry, James E. Faulds, and Craig M. dePolo
5. Tectonism of the southern Silver Peak Range: Paleomagnetic and geochronologic data bearing on the Neogene development of a regional extensional complex, central Walker Lane, Nevada
Michael S. Petronis, John W. Geissman, John S. Oldow, and William C. McIntosh
6. Multiple constraints on divergent strike-slip deformation along the eastern margin of the Sierran microplate, SE California
Jonathan C. Lewis, Robert J. Twiss, Christopher J. Pluhar, and Francis C. Monastero
7. Large Laramide dextral offset across Owens Valley, California, and its possible relation to tectonic unroofing of the southern Sierra Nevada
John M. Bartley, Allen F. Glazner, Drew S. Coleman, Andrew Kylander-Clark, Russell Mapes, and Anke M. Friedrich
8. Exhumation and deformation processes in transpressional orogens: The Venezuelan Paria Península, SE Caribbean–South American plate boundary
Leonardo Cruz, Annia Fayon, Christian Teyssier, and John Weber
9. Oblique collision between North and South China recorded in Zhangbaling and Fucha Shan (Dabie-Sulu transfer zone)
Qing Zhang, Christian Teyssier, Jim Dunlap, and Guang Zhu
10. Kinematics and timing of exhumation of metamorphic core complexes along the Lewis and Clark fault zone, northern Rocky Mountains, USA
David A. Foster, P. Ted Doughty, Thomas J. Kalakay, C. Mark Fanning, Samuel Coyner, Warren C. Grice, and James Vogl
11. Early Tertiary transtension-related deformation and magmatism along the Tintina fault system, Alaska
Alison B. Till, Sarah M. Roeske, Dwight C. Bradley, Richard Friedman, and Paul W. Layer
Index 265