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Table of Contents - Special Paper 435Paleontology of the Upper Eocene Florissant Formation, Coloradoedited by Herbert W. Meyer and Dena M. Smith |
Preface | v | |
1. | History of paleontology at the Florissant fossil beds, Colorado 1 Steven W. Veatch and Herbert W. Meyer |
1 |
2. | The role of biofilms in fossil preservation, Florissant Formation, Colorado Neal R. O’Brien, Herbert W. Meyer, and Ian C. Harding |
19 |
3. | Higher taxa as paleoecological and paleoclimatic indicators: A search for the modern analog of the Florissant fossil flora Brad Boyle, Herbert W. Meyer, Brian Enquist, and Silvia Salas |
33 |
4. | Phytogeography of the late Eocene Florissant flora reconsidered Estella B. Leopold, Steven R. Manchester, and Herbert W. Meyer |
53 |
5. | Magnetic stratigraphy of the Eocene-Oligocene floral transition in western North America Donald R. Prothero |
71 |
6. | A comparison of plant-insect associations in the middle Eocene Green River Formation and the Upper Eocene Florissant Formation and their climatic implications Dena M. Smith |
89 |
7. | An outline morphometric approach to identifying fossil spiders: A preliminary examination from the Florissant Formation April Kinchloe Roberts, Dena M. Smith, Robert P. Guralnick, Paula E. Cushing, and Jonathan Krieger |
105 |
8. | The Chadronian mammalian fauna of the Florissant Formation, Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument, Colorado Karen J. Lloyd, Marie P. Worley-Georg, and Jaelyn J. Eberle |
117 |
9. | Mineralogy and geochemistry of late Eocene silicified wood from Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument, Colorado George E. Mustoe |
127 |
10. | Conservation of an Eocene petrified forest at Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument: Investigation of strategies and techniques for stabilizing in situ fossil stumps Jennifer L. Young, Herbert W. Meyer, and George E. Mustoe |
141 |
11. | Development of an integrated paleontological database and Web site of Florissant collections, taxonomy, and publications Herbert W. Meyer, Matthew S. Wasson, and Brent J. Frakes |
159 |