GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - Special Paper 437

The Sedimentary Record of Meteorite Impacts

edited by Kevin Evans, J. Wright Horton Jr., David T. King Jr., and Jared R. Morrow

Kevin R. Evans
1. Impact melting in sedimentary target rocks: An assessment
G.R. Osinski, J.G. Spray, and R.A.F. Grieve
2. Postimpact sediments in the Gardnos impact structure, Norway
E. Kalleson, H. Dypvik, and J. Naterstad
3. Water-blow and resurge breccias at the Lockne marine-target impact structure
Maurits Lindström, Jens Ormö, and Erik Sturkell
4. Paleomagnetism of the Weaubleau structure, southwestern Missouri
Shannon Dulin and R.D. Elmore
5. Did the Mjølnir asteroid impact ignite Barents Sea hydrocarbon source rocks?
Henning Dypvik, Wendy S. Wolbach, Valery Shuvalov, and Susanna L. Widicus Weaver
6. Origin and emplacement of impactites in the Chesapeake Bay impact structure, Virginia, USA
J. Wright Horton Jr., Gregory S. Gohn, David S. Powars, and Lucy E. Edwards
7. Alamo Event, Nevada: Crater stratigraphy and impact breccia Realms
Jesús A. Pinto and John E. Warme
8. An examination of the Simpson core test wells suggests an age for the Avak impact feature near Barrow, Alaska
Arthur C. Banet and J.P.G. Fenton
9. Impact stratigraphy: Old principle, new reality
Gerta Keller
10. Impact spherule-bearing, Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary sand body, Shell Creek stratigraphic section, Alabama, USA
David T. King Jr. and Lucille W. Petruny
11. Megatsunami deposit in Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary interval of southeastern Missouri
Carl E. Campbell, Francisca E. Oboh-Ikuenobe, and Tambra L. Eifert
12. Stratigraphic expression of a regionally extensive impactite within the Upper Cretaceous Fox Hills Formation of southwestern South Dakota
Patricia A. Jannett and Dennis O. Terry Jr.