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Table of Contents - Special Paper 438Ophiolites, Arcs, and Batholiths: A Tribute to Cliff Hopsonedited by James E. Wright and John W. Shervais |
Dedication James E. Wright and John W. Shervais |
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Ophiolites |
1. | California Coast Range ophiolite: Composite Middle and Late Jurassic oceanic lithosphere Clifford A. Hopson, James M. Mattinson, Emile A. Pessagno Jr., and Bruce P. Luyendyk |
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2. | New high-precision CA-TIMS U-Pb zircon plateau ages for the Point Sal and San Simeon ophiolite remnants, California Coast Ranges James M. Mattinson and Clifford A. Hopson |
103 |
3. | Tonalites, trondhjemites, and diorites of the Elder Creek ophiolite, California: Low-pressure slab melting and reaction with the mantle wedge John W. Shervais |
113 |
4. | The Ingalls ophiolite complex, central Cascades, Washington: Geochemistry, tectonic setting, and regional correlations James H. MacDonald Jr., Gregory D. Harper, Robert B. Miller, Jonathan S. Miller, Ante N. Mlinarevic, and Cynthia E. Schultz |
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5. | Geochemistry and geology of the Iron Mountain unit, Ingalls ophiolite complex, Washington: Evidence for the polygenetic nature of the Ingalls complex J.H. MacDonald Jr., G.D. Harper, R.B. Miller, J.S. Miller, A.N. Mlinarevic, and B.V. Miller |
161 |
6. | Late Jurassic age of oceanic basement at La Désirade Island, Lesser Antilles arc James M. Mattinson, Emile A. Pessagno Jr., Homer Montgomery, and Clifford A. Hopson |
175 |
7. | Suprasubduction-zone ophiolites: Is there really an ophiolite conundrum? Rodney V. Metcalf and John W. Shervais |
191 |
8. | Non-Laurentian cratonal provenance of Late Ordovician eastern Klamath blueschists and a link to the Alexander terrane Marty Grove, George E. Gehrels, Spencer J. Cotkin, James E. Wright, and Haibo Zou |
223 |
Arcs |
9. | Lower Mesozoic sedimentary and volcanic rocks of the Yerington region, Nevada, and their regional context John M. Proffett and John H. Dilles |
251 |
10. | North Fork terrane, Klamath Mountains, California: Geologic, geochemical, and geochronologic evidence for an early Mesozoic forearc Hannah H. Scherer and W.G. Ernst |
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11. | Detrital zircon constraints on sediment distribution and provenance of the Mariposa Formation, central Sierra Nevada foothills, California Cameron A. Snow and W.G. Ernst |
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12. | The ancestral Cascades arc: Cenozoic evolution of the central Sierra Nevada (California) and the birth of the new plate boundary Cathy J. Busby, Jeanette C. Hagan, Keith Putirka, Christopher J. Pluhar, Phillip B. Gans, David L. Wagner, Dylan Rood, Steve B. DeOreo, and Ian Skilling |
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Batholiths |
13. | Late Jurassic plutonism in the southwest U.S. Cordillera Andrew P. Barth, Joseph L. Wooden, Keith A. Howard, and Joshua L. Richards |
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14. | Chronology of pluton emplacement and regional deformation in the southern Sierra Nevada batholith, California J.B. Saleeby, M.N. Ducea, C.J. Busby, E.S. Nadin, and P.H. Wetmore |
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15. | Disruption of regional primary structure of the Sierra Nevada batholith by the Kern Canyon fault system, California Elisabeth S. Nadin and Jason B. Saleeby |
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16. | Chemical variability and the composite nature of dikes from the Jurassic Independence dike swarm, eastern California Allen F. Glazner, Brian S. Carl, Drew S. Coleman, Jonathan S. Miller, and John M. Bartley |
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17. | Dike orientations in the Late Jurassic Independence dike swarm and implications for vertical-axis tectonic rotations in eastern California R. Forrest Hopson, John W. Hillhouse, and Keith A. Howard |
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18. | Spatial and temporal variations in Nd isotopic signatures across the crystalline core of the North Cascades, Washington Jennifer E.P. Matzel, Samuel A. Bowring, and Robert B. Miller |
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19. | Wall rocks as recorders of multiple pluton emplacement mechanisms—Examples from Cretaceous intrusions of northwest Nevada Veronica Ciavarella and Sandra J. Wyld |
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20. | A mantle plume beneath California? The mid-Miocene Lovejoy flood basalt, northern California Noah J. Garrison, Cathy J. Busby, Phillip B. Gans, Keith Putirka, and David L. Wagner |
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