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Table of Contents - Special Paper 439Late Cenozoic Drainage History of the Southwestern Great Basin and Lower Colorado River Region: Geologic and Biotic Perspectivesedited by Marith C. Reheis, Robert Hershler, and David M. Miller |
Preface | vii | |
1. | Reconstructing late Pliocene to middle Pleistocene Death Valley lakes and river systems as a test of pupfish (Cyprinodontidae) dispersal hypotheses Jeffrey R. Knott, Michael N. Machette, Ralph E. Klinger, Andrei M. Sarna-Wojcicki, Joseph C. Liddicoat, John C. Tinsley III, Brian T. David, and Veva M. Ebbs |
1 |
2. | The western North American pupfish clade (Cyprinodontidae: Cyprinodon): Mitochondrial DNA divergence and drainage history Anthony A. Echelle |
27 |
3. | Multistage late Cenozoic evolution of the Amargosa River drainage, southwestern Nevada and eastern California Christopher M. Menges |
39 |
4. | Ancient vicariance and recent dispersal of springsnails (Hydrobiidae: Pyrgulopsis) in the Death Valley system, California-Nevada Robert Hershler and Hsiu-Ping Liu |
91 |
5. | Genetic zoogeography of the Hyalella azteca species complex in the Great Basin: Rapid rates of molecular diversification in desert springs Jonathan D.S. Witt, Doug L. Threloff, and Paul D.N. Hebert |
103 |
6. | Geological and hydrological history of the paleo–Owens River drainage since the late Miocene Fred M. Phillips |
115 |
7. | Late Pleistocene lakes and wetlands, Panamint Valley, Inyo County, California A.S. Jayko, R.M. Forester, D.S. Kaufman, F.M. Phillips, J.C. Yount, J. McGeehin, and S.A. Mahan |
151 |
8. | Late Quaternary, MIS 6–8 shoreline features of pluvial Owens Lake, Owens Valley, eastern California A.S. Jayko and S.N. Bacon |
185 |
9. | Late Pleistocene shorelines of Owens Lake, California, and their hydroclimatic and tectonic implications Antony R. Orme and Amalie Jo Orme |
207 |
10. | Lake Manix shorelines and Afton Canyon terraces: Implications for incision of Afton Canyon Marith C. Reheis and Joanna L. Redwine |
227 |
11. | Lake Thompson, Mojave Desert, California: The late Pleistocene lake system and its Holocene desiccation Antony R. Orme |
261 |
12. | Middle to late Cenozoic geology, hydrography, and fish evolution in the American Southwest Jon E. Spencer, Gerald R. Smith, and Thomas E. Dowling |
279 |
13. | Correlating hydrographic events and divergence times of speckled dace (Rhinichthys: Teleostei: Cyprinidae) in the Colorado River drainage Gerald R. Smith and Thomas E. Dowling |
301 |
14. | Pre–Colorado River drainage in western Grand Canyon: Potential influence on Miocene stratigraphy in Grand Wash Trough Richard A. Young |
319 |
15. | Stratigraphic evidence for the role of lake spillover in the inception of the lower Colorado River in southern Nevada and western Arizona P. Kyle House, Philip A. Pearthree, and Michael E. Perkins |
335 |
16. | Late Neogene marine incursions and the ancestral Gulf of California Kristin McDougall |
355 |
17. | An evaluation of the evolution of the latest Miocene to earliest Pliocene Bouse lake system in the lower Colorado River valley, southwestern USA Jon E. Spencer, Philip A. Pearthree, and P. Kyle House |
375 |
18. | Age, distribution, and formation of late Cenozoic paleovalleys of the lower Colorado River and their relation to river aggradation and degradation Keith A. Howard, Scott C. Lundstrom, Daniel V. Malmon, and Simon J. Hook |
391 |
19. | Late Pleistocene aggradation and degradation of the lower Colorado River: Perspectives from the Cottonwood area and other reconnaissance below Boulder Canyon Scott C. Lundstrom, Shannon A. Mahan, James B. Paces, Mark R. Hudson, P. Kyle House, Daniel V. Malmon, J. Luke Blair, and Keith A. Howard |
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