GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - Special Paper 447

Late Cenozoic Structure and Evolution of the Great Basin — Sierra Nevada Transition

edited by John S. Oldow and Patricia H. Cashman

John S. Oldow and Patricia H. Cashman
1. Geodetic observation of contemporary deformation in the northern Walker Lane: 1. Semipermanent GPS strategy
Geoffrey Blewitt, William C. Hammond, and Corné Kreemer
2. Geodetic constraints on contemporary deformation in the northern Walker Lane: 2. Velocity and strain rate tensor analysis
Corné Kreemer, Geoffrey Blewitt, and William C. Hammond
3. Geodetic constraints on contemporary deformation in the northern Walker Lane: 3. Central Nevada seismic belt postseismic relaxation
William C. Hammond, Corné Kreemer, and Geoffrey Blewitt
4. Spatially partitioned transtension within the central Walker Lane, western Great Basin, USA: Application of the polar Mohr construction for finite deformation
Justin J. Murphy, A. John Watkinson, and John S. Oldow
5. Neotectonic analysis of Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon: New insights from seismic reflection data
Lee M. Liberty, Thomas L. Pratt, Mitchell Lyle, and Ian P. Madin
6. Late Neogene basin history at Honey Lake, northeastern California: Implications for regional tectonics at 3 to 4 Ma
J.H. Trexler Jr., H.M. Park, P.H. Cashman, and K.B. Mass
7. Tertiary volcanic stratigraphy and paleotopography of the Diamond and Fort Sage Mountains: Constraining slip along the Honey Lake fault zone in the northern Walker Lane, northeastern California and western
Nicholas H. Hinz, James E. Faulds, and Christopher D. Henry
8. Biostratigraphy of the Hunter Creek Sandstone, Verdi Basin, Washoe County, Nevada
Thomas S. Kelly and Ross Secord
9. Stratigraphy and structure of the Neogene Boca basin, northeastern California: Implications for late Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the northern Sierra Nevada
Kevin B. Mass, Patricia H. Cashman, and James H. Trexler Jr.
10. Neogene tectonic evolution of the Sierra Nevada–Basin and Range transition zone at the latitude of Carson City, Nevada
Patricia H. Cashman, James H. Trexler Jr., Thomas W. Muntean, James E. Faulds, John N. Louie, and Gary L. Oppliger
11. Flattening strain during coordinated slip on a curved fault array, Rhodes Salt Marsh extensional basin, central Walker Lane, westcentral Nevada
Luigi Ferranti, John S. Oldow, John W. Geissman, and Mark M. Nell
12. Late Miocene to Pliocene vertical-axis rotation attending development of the Silver Peak–Lone Mountain displacement transfer zone, west-central Nevada
Michael S. Petronis, John W. Geissman, John S. Oldow, and William C. McIntosh
13. Cenozoic volcanism and tectonics in the Queen Valley area, Esmeralda County, western Nevada
Christopher R. Tincher and Daniel F. Stockli
14. Late Miocene to Pliocene synextensional deposition in fault-bounded basins within the upper plate of the western Silver Peak–Lone Mountain extensional complex, west-central
John S. Oldow, Elizabeth A. Elias, Luigi Ferranti, William C. McClelland, and William C. McIntosh
15. Deformation of the late Miocene to Pliocene Inyo Surface, eastern Sierra region, California
A.S. Jayko
16. Seismotectonics of an evolving intracontinental plate boundary, southeastern California
Jeffrey Unruh and Egill Hauksson