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Table of Contents - Special Paper 450

Paleoenvironments of Bear Lake, Utah and Idaho, and Its Catchment

edited by Joseph G. Rosenbaum and Darrell S. Kaufman

Introduction to Paleoenvironments of Bear Lake, Utah and Idaho, and its catchment
Joseph G. Rosenbaum and Darrell S. Kaufman
1. Climatic and limnologic setting of Bear Lake, Utah and Idaho
Walter E. Dean, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh, and Vincent A. Lamarra
2. Geology and geomorphology of Bear Lake Valley and upper Bear River, Utah and Idaho
Marith C. Reheis, Benjamin J.C. Laabs, and Darrell S. Kaufman
3. Late Quaternary sedimentary features of Bear Lake, Utah and Idaho
Joseph P. Smoot
4. Isotope and major-ion chemistry of groundwater in Bear Lake Valley, Utah and Idaho, with emphasis on the Bear River Range
Jordon Bright
5. Radiocarbon ages and age models for the past 30,000 years in Bear Lake, Utah and Idaho
Steven M. Colman, Joseph G. Rosenbaum, Darrell S. Kaufman, Walter E. Dean, and John P. McGeehin
6. Allogenic sedimentary components of Bear Lake, Utah and Idaho
Joseph G. Rosenbaum, Walter E. Dean, Richard L. Reynolds, and Marith C. Reheis
7. Endogenic carbonate sedimentation in Bear Lake, Utah and Idaho, over the last two glacial-interglacial cycles
Walter E. Dean
8. Ostracode endemism in Bear Lake, Utah and Idaho
Jordon Bright
9. A 19,000-year vegetation and climate record for Bear Lake, Utah and Idaho
Lisa A. Doner
10. A 19,000-year record of hydrologic and climatic change inferred from diatoms from Bear Lake, Utah and Idaho
Katrina A. Moser and James P. Kimball
11. The glacial/deglacial history of sedimentation in Bear Lake, Utah and Idaho
Joseph G. Rosenbaum and Clifford W. Heil Jr.
12. Sedimentary constraints on late Quaternary lake-level fluctuations at Bear Lake, Utah and Idaho
Joseph P. Smoot and Joseph G. Rosenbaum
13. Paleomagnetism and environmental magnetism of GLAD800 sediment cores from Bear Lake, Utah and Idaho
Clifford W. Heil Jr., John W. King, Joseph G. Rosenbaum, Richard L. Reynolds, and Steven M. Colman
14. A quarter-million years of paleoenvironmental change at Bear Lake, Utah and Idaho
Darrell S. Kaufman, Jordon Bright, Walter E. Dean, Joseph G. Rosenbaum, Katrina Moser, R. Scott Anderson, Steven M. Colman, Clifford W. Heil Jr., Gonzalo Jiménez-Moreno, Marith C. Reheis, and Kathleen R. Simmons