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Table of Contents - Special Paper 452

The Late Eocene Earth — Hothouse, Icehouse, and Impacts

edited by Christian Koeberl and Alessandro Montanari

Christian Koeberl and Alessandro Montanari
1. Time-scale construction and periodizing in Big History: From the Eocene-Oligocene boundary to all of the past
Walter Alvarez, Philippe Claeys, and Alessandro Montanari
2. Late Eocene impact craters and impactoclastic layers—An overview
Christian Koeberl
3. Late Eocene and late Miocene cosmic dust events: Comet showers, asteroid collisions, or lunar impacts?
K.A. Farley
4. The late Eocene clinopyroxene-bearing spherule layer: New sites, nature of the strewn field, Ir data, and discovery of coesite and shocked quartz
Shaobin Liu, B.P. Glass, Frank T. Kyte, and Steven M. Bohaty
5. A search for extraterrestrial chromite in the late Eocene Massignano section, central Italy
Birger Schmitz, Anders Cronholm, and Alessandro Montanari
6. Stable isotopic response to late Eocene extraterrestrial impacts
Aimee E. Pusz, Kenneth G. Miller, James D. Wright, Miriam E. Katz, Benjamin S. Cramer, and Dennis V. Kent
7. Late Eocene impact-induced climate and hydrological changes: Evidence from the Massignano global stratotype section and point (central Italy)
Rodolfo Coccioni, Fabrizio Frontalini, and Silvia Spezzaferri
8. Evidence for a change in Milankovitch forcing caused by extraterrestrial events at Massignano, Italy, Eocene-Oligocene boundary GSSP
Rachel E. Brown, Christian Koeberl, Alessandro Montanari, and David M. Bice
9. A critical evaluation of the numerical age of the Eocene-Oligocene boundary
Frits J. Hilgen and Klaudia F. Kuiper
10. The late Eocene greenhouse-icehouse transition: Observations from the Massignano global stratotype section and point (GSSP)
Luigi Jovane, Rodolfo Coccioni, Andrea Marsili, and Gary Acton
11. Climate threshold at the Eocene-Oligocene transition: Antarctic ice sheet influence on ocean circulation
Kenneth G. Miller, James D. Wright, Miriam E. Katz, Bridget S. Wade, James V. Browning, Benjamin S. Cramer, and Yair Rosenthal
12. Refined correlation of the UK Late Eocene–Early Oligocene Solent Group and timing of its climate history
J.J. Hooker, S.T. Grimes, D.P. Mattey, M.E. Collinson, and N.D. Sheldon
13. Biostratigraphy and paleoclimatology of the Eocene-Oligocene boundary section at Toadstool Park, northwestern Nebraska, USA
Alessandro Zanazzi, Matthew J. Kohn, and Dennis O. Terry Jr.
14. The Australo-Antarctic Gulf and the Auversian facies shift
Brian McGowran
15. Nonmarine records of climatic change across the Eocene-Oligocene transition
Nathan D. Sheldon
16. Eocene-Oligocene transition paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental record from the Isle of Wight (UK)
Nathan D. Sheldon, Ria L. Mitchell, Margaret E. Collinson, and Jerry J. Hooker
17. Eocene-Oligocene greenhouse to icehouse transition on a subtropical clastic shelf: The Jackson-Vicksburg Groups of the eastern Gulf Coastal Plain of the United States
Richard H. Fluegeman, Jeffry D. Grigsby, and John V. Hurley
18. Reshuffling the cards in the photic zone at the Eocene/Oligocene boundary
Marie-Pierre Aubry and David Bord
19. Integrated stratigraphic and astrochronologic calibration of the Eocene-Oligocene transition in the Monte Cagnero section (northeastern Apennines, Italy): A potential parastratotype for the Massignano global stratotype section and point (GSSP)
Ethan Hyland, Brandon Murphy, Phil Varela, Katie Marks, Lauren Colwell, Flavia Tori, Simonetta Monechi, Laura Cleaveland, Henk Brinkhuis, Caroline A. van Mourik, Rodolfo Coccioni, David Bice, and Alessandro Montanari