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Table of Contents - Special Paper 453Preservation of Random Megascale Events on Mars and Earth: Influence on Geologic Historyedited by Mary G. Chapman and Laszlo P. Keszthelyi |
Preface | v | |
1. | The surface of Mars: An unusual laboratory that preserves a record of catastrophic and unusual events Mary G. Chapman |
1 |
2. | Effect of impact cratering on the geologic evolution of Mars and implications for Earth Nadine G. Barlow |
15 |
3. | Megafloods and global paleoenvironmental change on Mars and Earth Victor R. Baker |
25 |
4. | Effects of megascale eruptions on Earth and Mars Thorvaldur Thordarson, Michael Rampino, Laszlo P. Keszthelyi, and Stephen Self |
37 |
5. | Terrestrial subice volcanism: Landform morphology, sequence characteristics, environmental influences, and implications for candidate Mars examples John L. Smellie |
55 |
6. | Megascale processes: Natural disasters and human behavior Susan Werner Kieffer, Paul Barton, Ward Chesworth, Allison R. Palmer, Paul Reitan, and E-an Zen |
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