GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - Special Paper 453

Preservation of Random Megascale Events on Mars and Earth: Influence on Geologic History

edited by Mary G. Chapman and Laszlo P. Keszthelyi

Preface v
1. The surface of Mars: An unusual laboratory that preserves a record of catastrophic and unusual events
Mary G. Chapman
2. Effect of impact cratering on the geologic evolution of Mars and implications for Earth
Nadine G. Barlow
3. Megafloods and global paleoenvironmental change on Mars and Earth
Victor R. Baker
4. Effects of megascale eruptions on Earth and Mars
Thorvaldur Thordarson, Michael Rampino, Laszlo P. Keszthelyi, and Stephen Self
5. Terrestrial subice volcanism: Landform morphology, sequence characteristics, environmental influences, and implications for candidate Mars examples
John L. Smellie
6. Megascale processes: Natural disasters and human behavior
Susan Werner Kieffer, Paul Barton, Ward Chesworth, Allison R. Palmer, Paul Reitan, and E-an Zen