GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - Special Paper 454

Earth Science in the Urban Ocean: The Southern California Continental Borderland

edited by Homa J. Lee and William R. Normark

D.J.W. Piper
H.J. Lee and W.R. Normark

Section 1. Surficial Seafloor Mapping and Characterization (P. Dartnell, editor)
1.1 Introduction to surficial seafloor mapping and characterization
P. Dartnell
1.2 Seafloor terrain analysis and geomorphology of the greater Los Angeles Margin and San Pedro Basin, Southern California
P. Dartnell and J.V. Gardner
1.3 Estimating rocky seafloor extent on the Southern California continental shelf
G.R. Cochrane and H.G. Greene

Section 2. Source-to-Sink Sedimentation (J.A. Warrick, editor)
2.1 Introduction to Southern California source-to-sink sedimentation
J.A. Warrick
2.2 Sources of sediment to the coastal waters of the Southern California Bight
J.A. Warrick and K.L. Farnsworth
2.3 Dispersal of river sediment in the Southern California Bight
J.A. Warrick and K.L Farnsworth
2.4 Sediment accumulation on the Southern California Bight continental margin during the twentieth century
C.R. Alexander and H.J. Lee
2.5 Postglacial sedimentary record of the Southern California continental shelf and slope, Point Conception to Dana Point
C.K. Sommerfield, H.J. Lee, and W.R. Normark
2.6 Late Quaternary sediment-accumulation rates within the inner basins of the California Continental Borderland in support of geologic hazard evaluation
W.R. Normark, M. McGann, and R.W. Sliter
2.7 Submarine canyon and fan systems of the California Continental Borderland
W.R. Normark, D.J.W. Piper, B.W. Romans, J.A. Covault, P. Dartnell, and R.W. Sliter

Section 3. Southern California Physical Oceanography and Sediment Transport (M.A. Noble, editor)
3.1 Introduction to the physical oceanography of the central Southern California Bight
M.A. Noble
3.2 Variability of the Southern California wave climate and implications for sediment transport
J.P. Xu and M.A. Noble
3.3 Coastal ocean transport patterns in the central Southern California Bight
M.A. Noble, K.J. Rosenberger, P. Hamilton, and J.P. Xu

Section 4. Regional Tectonic Structure: Earthquake and Tsunami Hazards (M.A. Fisher, editor)
4.1 Introduction to geologic hazards of offshore Southern California
M.A. Fisher
4.2 Recent developments in understanding the tectonic evolution of the Southern California offshore area: Implications for earthquake-hazard analysis
M.A. Fisher, V.E. Langenheim, C. Nicholson, H.F. Ryan, and R.W. Sliter
4.3 Submarine landslides of the Southern California Borderland
H.J. Lee, H.G. Greene, B.D. Edwards, M.A. Fisher, and W.R. Normark
4.4 Potential earthquake faults offshore southern California, from the eastern Santa Barbara Channel south to Dana Point
M.A. Fisher, C.C. Sorlien, and R.W. Sliter
4.5 Recent faulting in the Gulf of Santa Catalina: San Diego to Dana Point
H.F. Ryan, M.R. Legg, J.E. Conrad, and R.W. Sliter

Section 5. Coastal aquifers of Southern California (B.D. Edwards, editor)
5.1 Introduction to Southern California’s coastal groundwater basins and aquifer systems
B.D. Edwards
5.2 Characteristics of Southern California coastal aquifer systems
B.D. Edwards, R.T. Hanson, E.G. Reichard, and T.A. Johnson
5.3 Comparison of groundwater flow in Southern California coastal aquifers
R.T. Hanson, J.A. Izbicki, E.G. Reichard, B.D. Edwards, M. Land, and P. Martin
5.4 Stratigraphic controls on saltwater intrusion in the Dominguez Gap area of coastal Los Angeles
B.D. Edwards, K.D. Ehman, D.J. Ponti, E.G. Reichard, J.C. Tinsley, R.J. Rosenbauer, and M. Land

Section 6. Contaminant and Biological Implications of Earth Science Studies in the Southern California Bight (M. McGann, editor)
6.1 Introduction to contaminant and biological implications
M. McGann
6.2 The extent and magnitude of sediment contamination in the Southern California Bight
K.A. Maruya and K. Schiff
6.3 Review of impacts of contaminated sediment on microfaunal communities in the Southern California Bight
M. McGann
6.4 Soft-bottom macrofaunal communities in Santa Monica Bay: Phylogenetic approaches toward the elucidation of fine-scale biotic pattern and its physicochemical explanans
G.B. Deets and C.L. Cash