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Table of Contents - Special Paper 458

The ICDP-USGS Deep Drilling Project in the Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure: Results from the Eyreville Core Holes

edited by Gregory S. Gohn, Christian Koeberl, Kenneth G. Miller, and Wolf Uwe Reimold

Preface and Acknowledgments vii
1. Deep drilling in the Chesapeake Bay impact structure — An overview
G.S. Gohn, C. Koeberl, K.G. Miller, and W.U. Reimold

Geologic Columns
2. Geologic columns for the ICDP-USGS Eyreville B core, Chesapeake Bay impact structure: Impactites and crystalline rocks, 1766 to 1096 m depth
J.W. Horton Jr., R.L. Gibson, W.U. Reimold, A. Wittmann, G.S. Gohn, and L.E. Edwards
3. Geologic columns for the ICDP-USGS Eyreville A and B cores, Chesapeake Bay impact structure: Sediment-clast breccias, 1096 to 444 m depth
L.E. Edwards, D.S. Powars, G.S. Gohn, and H. Dypvik
4. Geologic columns for the ICDP-USGS Eyreville A and C cores, Chesapeake Bay impact structure: Postimpact sediments, 444 to 0 m depth
L.E. Edwards, D.S. Powars, J.V. Browning, P.P. McLaughlin Jr., K.G. Miller, J.M. Self-Trail, A.A. Kulpecz, and T. Elbra
5. Supplemental materials for the ICDP-USGS Eyreville A, B, and C core holes, Chesapeake Bay impact structure: Core-box photographs, coring-run tables, and depth-conversion
C.T. Durand, L.E. Edwards, M.L. Malinconico, and D.S. Powars

Borehole Geophysical Studies
6. Rock-magnetic properties of the ICDP-USGS Eyreville core, Chesapeake Bay impact structure, Virginia, USA
T. Elbra, A. Kontny, and L.J. Pesonen
7. Physical rock properties of the Eyreville core, Chesapeake Bay impact structure
S.I. Mayr, H. Burkhardt, Y. Popov, R. Romushkevich, D. Miklashevskiy, D. Gorobtsov, P. Heidinger, and H. Wilhelm
8. Physical property data from the ICDP-USGS Eyreville cores A and B, Chesapeake Bay impact structure, Virginia, USA, acquired using a multisensor core logger
H.A. Pierce and J.B. Murray

Regional Geophysical Studies
9. Gravity investigations of the Chesapeake Bay impact structure
J.B. Plescia, D.L. Daniels, and A.K. Shah
10. Megablocks and melt pockets in the Chesapeake Bay impact structure constrained by magnetic field measurements and properties of the Eyreville and Cape Charles
A.K. Shah, D.L. Daniels, A. Kontny, and J. Brozena
11. High-resolution seismic-reflection images across the ICDP-USGS Eyreville deep drilling site, Chesapeake Bay impact structure
D.S. Powars, R.D. Catchings, M.R. Goldman, G.S. Gohn, J.W. Horton Jr., L.E. Edwards, M.J. Rymer, and G. Gandhok

Crystalline Rocks, Impactites, and Impact Models
12. Pre-impact tectonothermal evolution of the crystalline basement-derived rocks in the ICDP-USGS Eyreville B core, Chesapeake Bay impact structure
R.L. Gibson, G.N. Townsend, J.W. Horton Jr., and W.U. Reimold
13. Petrographic and geochemical comparisons between the lower crystalline basement-derived section and the granite megablock and amphibolite megablock of the Eyreville B core, Chesapeake Bay impact structure,
G.N. Townsend, R.L. Gibson, J.W. Horton Jr., W.U. Reimold, R.T. Schmitt, and K. Bartosova
14. Evolution of crystalline target rocks and impactites in the Chesapeake Bay impact structure, ICDP-USGS Eyreville B core
J.W. Horton Jr., M.J. Kunk, H.E. Belkin, J.N. Aleinikoff, J.C. Jackson, and I-M. Chou
15. Petrographic and shock metamorphic studies of the impact breccia section (1397–1551 m depth) of the Eyreville drill core, Chesapeake Bay impact structure, USA
K. Bartosova, L. Ferrière, C. Koeberl, W.U. Reimold, and S. Gier
16. The record of ground zero in the Chesapeake Bay impact crater — Suevites and related rocks
A. Wittmann, W.U. Reimold, R.T. Schmitt, L. Hecht, and T. Kenkmann
17. Petrology of impact melt rocks from the Chesapeake Bay crater, USA
A. Wittmann, R.T. Schmitt, L. Hecht, D.A. Kring, W.U. Reimold, and H. Povenmire
18. Geochemistry of the impact breccia section (1397–1551 m depth) of the Eyreville drill core, Chesapeake Bay impact structure, USA
K. Bartosova, D. Mader, R.T. Schmitt, L. Ferrière, C. Koeberl, W.U. Reimold, and F. Brandstätter
19. Geochemical characteristics of basement target rocks, suevitic glasses from the Eyreville B drill core, Chesapeake Bay impact structure, and three bediasites
R. Skála, F. Langenhorst, and A. Deutsch
20. Silicate glasses and sulfide melts in the ICDP-USGS Eyreville B core, Chesapeake Bay impact structure, Virginia, USA
H.E. Belkin and J.W. Horton Jr.
21. Search for a meteoritic component in impact breccia from the Eyreville core, Chesapeake Bay impact structure: Considerations from platinum group element contents
I. McDonald, K. Bartosova, and C. Koeberl
22. Geochemistry of impactites and crystalline basement-derived lithologies from the ICDP-USGS Eyreville A and B drill cores, Chesapeake Bay impact structure, Virginia,
R.T. Schmitt, K. Bartosova, W.U. Reimold, D. Mader, A. Wittmann, C. Koeberl, and R.L. Gibson
23. A petrographic and fluid inclusion assessment of hydrothermal alteration of some impactites and crystalline rocks in the Chesapeake Bay impact structure, ICDP-USGS Eyreville B
D.A. Vanko
24. Experimental alteration of artificial and natural impact melt rock from the Chesapeake Bay impact structure
J. Declercq, H. Dypvik, P. Aagaard, J. Jahren, R.E. Ferrell Jr., and J.W. Horton Jr.
25. A model for the formation of the Chesapeake Bay impact crater as revealed by drilling and numerical simulation
T. Kenkmann, G.S. Collins, A. Wittmann, K. Wünnemann, W.U. Reimold, and H.J. Melosh

Sedimentary Breccias
26. Rock-avalanche and ocean-resurge deposits in the late Eocene Chesapeake Bay impact structure: Evidence from the ICDP-USGS Eyreville cores, Virginia, USA
G.S. Gohn, D.S. Powars, H. Dypvik, and L.E. Edwards
27. Comparison of clast frequency and size in the resurge deposits at the Chesapeake Bay impact structure (Eyreville A and Langley cores): Clues to the resurge process
J. Ormö, E. Sturkell, J.W. Horton Jr., D.S. Powars, and L.E. Edwards
28. Paleontological interpretations of crater processes and infilling of synimpact sediments from the Chesapeake Bay impact structure
J.M. Self-Trail, L.E. Edwards, and R.J. Litwin
29. Petrographic observations on the Exmore breccia, ICDP-USGS drilling at Eyreville, Chesapeake Bay impact structure, USA
W.U. Reimold, K. Bartosova, R.T. Schmitt, B. Hansen, C. Crasselt, C. Koeberl, A. Wittmann, and D.S. Powars
30. Postimpact alteration of sedimentary breccias in the ICDP-USGS Eyreville A and B cores with comparison to the Cape Charles core, Chesapeake Bay impact structure, Virginia, USA
D. Larsen, E.C. Stephens, and V.B. Zivkovic
31. The mineralogy of the Exmore beds–Chickahominy Formation boundary section of the Chesapeake Bay impact structure revealed in the Eyreville core
R.E. Ferrell Jr. and H. Dypvik

Postimpact Sediments
32. Paleoenvironmental recovery from the Chesapeake Bay bolide impact: The benthic foraminiferal record
C.W. Poag
33. Integrated sequence stratigraphy of the postimpact sediments from the Eyreville core holes, Chesapeake Bay impact structure inner basin
J.V. Browning, K.G. Miller, P.P. McLaughlin Jr., L.E. Edwards, A.A. Kulpecz, D.S. Powars, B.S. Wade, M.D. Feigenson, and J.D. Wright
34. Postimpact deposition in the Chesapeake Bay impact structure: Variations in eustasy, compaction, sediment supply, and passive-aggressive tectonism
A.A. Kulpecz, K.G. Miller, J.V. Browning, L.E. Edwards, D.S. Powars, P.P. McLaughlin Jr., A.D. Harris, and M. Feigenson
35. The Eocene-Oligocene sedimentary record in the Chesapeake Bay impact structure: Implications for climate and sea-level changes on the western Atlantic margin
P. Schulte, B.S. Wade, A. Kontny, and J.M. Self-Trail

Hydrologic and Geothermal Studies
36. Pore-water chemistry from the ICDP-USGS core hole in the Chesapeake Bay impact structure — Implications for paleohydrology, microbial habitat, and water resources
W.E. Sanford, M.A. Voytek, D.S. Powars, B.F. Jones, I.M. Cozzarelli, C.S. Cockell, and R.P. Eganhouse
37. Polar organic compounds in pore waters of the Chesapeake Bay impact structure, Eyreville core hole: Character of the dissolved organic carbon and comparison with drilling fluids
C.E. Rostad and W.E. Sanford
38. Postimpact heat conduction and compaction-driven fluid flow in the Chesapeake Bay impact structure based on downhole vitrinite reflectance data, ICDP-USGS Eyreville deep core holes and Cape Charles test holes
M.L. Malinconico, W.E. Sanford, and J.W. Horton Jr.
39. First results of geothermal investigations, Chesapeake Bay impact structure, Eyreville core holes
P. Heidinger, H. Wilhelm, Y. Popov, J. afanda, H. Burkhardt, and S. Mayr

Microbiologic Studies
40. Microbial abundance in the deep subsurface of the Chesapeake Bay impact crater: Relationship to lithology and impact processes
C.S. Cockell, A.L. Gronstal, M.A. Voytek, J.D. Kirshtein, K. Finster, W.E. Sanford, M. Glamoclija, G.S. Gohn, D.S. Powars, and J.W. Horton Jr.
41. Contamination assessment in microbiological sampling of the Eyreville core, Chesapeake Bay impact structure
A.L. Gronstal, M.A. Voytek, J.D. Kirshtein, N.M. von der Heyde, M.D. Lowit, and C.S. Cockell
42. Association of anatase (TiO2 ) and microbes: Unusual fossilization effect or a potential biosignature?
M. Glamoclija, A. Steele, M. Fries, J. Schieber, M.A. Voytek, and C.S. Cockell