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Table of Contents - Special Paper 463Miocene Tectonics of the Lake Mead Region, Central Basin and RangeEdited by Paul J. Umhoefer, L. Sue Beard, and Melissa A. Lamb |
Dedication | v | |
Introduction |
1. | Geology of the Lake Mead region: An overview R. Ernest Anderson and L. Sue Beard |
1 |
2. | Geologic map of Lake Mead and surrounding regions, southern Nevada, southwestern Utah, and northwestern Arizona Tracey J. Felger and L. Sue Beard |
29 |
Geophysics |
3. | Implications of geophysical analysis on basin geometry and fault offsets in the northern Colorado River extensional corridor and adjoining Lake Mead region, Nevada and Arizona Victoria E. Langenheim, L. Sue Beard, and James E. Faulds |
39 |
Basins and Stratigraphy |
4. | Development of the Salt Spring Wash Basin in a reentrant in the hanging wall of the South Virgin—White Hills detachment fault, Lake Mead domain, northwest Arizona Nathan Blythe, Paul J. Umhoefer, Ernest M. Duebendorfer, William C. McIntosh, and Lisa Peters |
61 |
5. | A chronicle of Miocene extension near the Colorado Plateau—Basin and Range boundary, southern White Hills, northwestern Arizona: Paleogeographic and tectonic implications James E. Faulds, Linda M. Price, Lawrence W. Snee, and Phillip B. Gans |
87 |
6. | Miocene tectonics and climate in the Lake Mead region recorded by Horse Spring Formation carbonates Thomas A. Hickson, Anders J. Ness, and Melissa A. Lamb |
121 |
7. | Erosion of tilted fault blocks and deposition of coarse sediments in half-graben basins during late stages of extension: Gold Butte area, Basin and Range Province Keith A. Howard, L. Sue Beard, M.A. Kuntz, M.J. Kunk, A.M. Sarna-Wojcicki, M.E. Perkins, and Ivo Lucchitta |
147 |
8. | Stratigraphy and age of the Lower Horse Spring Formation in the Longwell Ridges area, southern Nevada: Implications for tectonic interpretations Melissa A. Lamb, K. Luke Martin, Thomas A. Hickson, Paul J. Umhoefer, and Laura Eaton |
171 |
9. | Volcanoes of the McCullough Range, southern Nevada Eugene Smith, Denise Honn, and Racheal Johnsen |
203 |
10. | Development of Gregg Basin and the southwestern Grand Wash Trough during late-stage faulting in eastern Lake Mead, Arizona Paul J. Umhoefer, Ernest M. Duebendorfer, Nathan Blythe, Zack A. Swaney, L. Sue Beard, and William C. McIntosh |
221 |
Structure |
11. | Geometry and kinematics of the eastern Lake Mead fault system in the Virgin Mountains, Nevada and Arizona L. Sue Beard, David J. Campagna, and R. Ernest Anderson |
243 |
12. | The South Virgin–White Hills detachment fault, southeastern Nevada and northwestern Arizona: Significance, displacement gradient, and corrugation formation Ernest M. Duebendorfer, James E. Faulds, and Joan E. Fryxell |
275 |
13. | Secondary normal faulting in the Lake Mead fault system and implications for regional fault mechanics Scott T. Marshall, Simon A. Kattenhorn, and Michele L. Cooke |
289 |
14. | Timing and mechanisms of basement uplift and exhumation in the Colorado Plateau—Basin and Range transition zone, Virgin Mountain anticline, Nevada-Arizona Mark C. Quigley, Karl E. Karlstrom, Shari Kelley, and Matt Heizler |
311 |
Model Papers |
15. | Structure and 40Ar/39Ar K-feldspar thermal history of the Gold Butte block: Reevaluation of the tilted crustal section model Karl E. Karlstrom, Matt Heizler, and Mark C. Quigley |
331 |
16. | New core complex model for the South Virgin–White Hills detachment and extension in the eastern Lake Mead area, southern Nevada and northwestern Arizona Zack A. Swaney, Ernest M. Duebendorfer, Paul G. Fitzgerald, and William C. McIntosh |
353 |
17. | From detachment to transtensional faulting: A model for the Lake Mead extensional domain based on new ages and correlation of subbasins Paul J. Umhoefer, L. Sue Beard, K. Luke Martin, and Nathan Blythe |
371 |
Mormon Mountains |
18. | Integration of tectonic, sedimentary, and geohydrologic processes leading to a small-scale extension model for the Mormon Mountains area north of Lake Mead, Lincoln County, Nevada R. Ernest Anderson, Tracey J. Felger, S.F. Diehl, W.R. Page, and J.B. Workman |
395 |
19. | Fluid flow, solution collapse, and massive dissolution at detachment faults, Mormon Mountains, Nevada S.F. Diehl, R. Ernest Anderson, and J.D. Humphrey |
427 |