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Table of Contents - Special Paper 465Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution IVEdited by Roger L. Gibson and Wolf Uwe Reimold |
Introduction: Impact cratering and planetary studies — A fifty-year perspective Roger L. Gibson and Wolf Uwe Reimold |
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Solar System Impact Cratering and Numerical Modelling |
1. | Elliptical craters and basins on the terrestrial planets Jeffrey C. Andrews-Hanna and Maria T. Zuber |
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2. | Central pit craters: Observations from Mars and Ganymede and implications for formation models Nadine G. Barlow |
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3. | Basin-forming impacts: Reconnaissance modeling B.A. Ivanov, H.J. Melosh, and E. Pierazzo |
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4. | Polygonal impact craters in the solar system: Observations and implications T. Öhman, M. Aittola, J. Korteniemi, V.-P. Kostama, and J. Raitala |
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5. | The effects of crater degradation and target differences on the morphologies of Martian complex craters J. Whitehead, R.A.F. Grieve, J.B. Garvin, and J.G. Spray |
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6. | Water resurge at marine-target impact craters analyzed with a combination of low-velocity impact experiments and numerical simulations Jens Ormö, Alain Lepinette, Erik Sturkell, Maurits Lindström, Kevin R. Housen, and Keith A. Holsapple |
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Geophysics and Remote Sensing Investigations |
7. | Seismic images of Chicxulub impact melt sheet and comparison with the Sudbury structure P.J. Barton, R.A.F. Grieve, J.V. Morgan, A.T. Surendra, P.M. Vermeesch, G.L. Christeson, S.P.S. Gulick, and M.R. Warner |
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8. | Fracturing, thermal evolution and geophysical signature of the crater floor of a large impact structure: The case of the Sudbury Structure, Canada B. Milkereit, N. Artemieva, and H. Ugalde |
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9. | Architecture of the northeastern rim of the Kârdla impact crater, Estonia, based on ground-penetrating radar studies Argo Jõeleht and Jüri Plado |
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10. | Ries crater, Germany: The Enkingen magnetic anomaly and associated drill core SUBO 18 Jean Pohl, Klaus Poschlod, W. Uwe Reimold, Cornelia Meyer, and Juliane Jacob |
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11. | Coarse-grained magnetites in biotite as a possible stable remanence-carrying phase in Vredefort granites Norihiro Nakamura, Kensaku Okuno, Minoru Uehara, Tetsuya Ozawa, Lisa Tatsumi-Petrocholis, and Michael Fuller |
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12. | Cerro do Jarau, Rio Grande do Sul: A possible new impact structure in southern Brazil Alvaro P. Crósta, Fernanda Silva Lourenço, and Gustavo Heinzelmann Priebe |
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13. | A possible new impact structure in the Okavango Delta, Botswana G.R.J. Cooper, S.J. Webb, R.L. Gibson, and I. Martinez |
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14. | Geophysical characteristics of four possible impact structures in the Parnaíba Basin, Brazil: Comparison and implications Marcos Alberto R. Vasconcelos, Alvaro P. Crósta, and Eder C. Molina |
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Impact Ejecta and Post-Impact Deposits |
15. | Accretionary and melt impactoclasts from the Tookoonooka impact event, Australia Katherine A. (Treena) Bron |
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16. | Debrisites from the Sudbury impact event in Ontario, north of Lake Superior, and a new age constraint: Are they base-surge deposits or tsunami deposits? William D. Addison, Gregory R. Brumpton, Don W. Davis, Philip W. Fralick, and Stephen A. Kissin |
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17. | Tracing the Manson impact event across the Western Interior Cretaceous Seaway David J. Varricchio, Christian Koeberl, Russell F. Raven, Wendy S. Wolbach, William C. Elsik, and Daniel P. Miggins |
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18. | Mechanisms of late synimpact to early postimpact crater sedimentation in marine-target impact structures H. Dypvik and E. Kalleson |
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Drilling of Impact Structures |
19. | Inside the crater, outside the crater: Stratigraphic details of the margin of the Chesapeake Bay impact structure, Virginia, USA Lucy E. Edwards, David S. Powars, J. Wright Horton Jr., Gregory S. Gohn, Jean M. Self-Trail, and Ronald J. Litwin |
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20. | Siderophile elements from the Eyreville drill cores of the Chesapeake Bay impact structure do not constrain the nature of the projectile S. Goderis, J. Hertogen, F. Vanhaecke, and Ph. Claeys |
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21. | Melt particle characteristics of the within- and out-of-crater suevites from the Bosumtwi impact structure, Ghana: Implications for crater formation Louise Coney, Wolf Uwe Reimold, Roger L. Gibson, Christian Koeberl, and Paula Ogilvie |
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22. | Geochemistry of basement rocks and impact breccias from the central uplift of the Bosumtwi crater, Ghana—Comparison of proximal and distal impactites Ludovic Ferrière, Christian Koeberl, Franz Brandstätter, and Dieter Mader |
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Field Investigations |
23. | The complex impact crater Jebel Waqf as Suwwan in Jordan: Effects of target heterogeneity and impact obliquity on central uplift formation T. Kenkmann, W.U. Reimold, M. Khirfan, E. Salameh, H. Khoury, and K. Konsul |
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24. | Roter Kamm impact crater of Namibia: New data on rim structure, target rock geochemistry, ejecta, and meteorite trajectory Roy McG. Miller |
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25. | Target and impact deposits at Rochechouart impact structure, France P. Lambert |
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26. | The Carswell impact event, Saskatchewan, Canada: Evidence for a pre-Athabasca multiring basin? Serge Genest, Francine Robert, and Isabelle Duhamel |
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27. | First SHRIMP U-Pb and 40Ar/39Ar chronological results from impact melt breccia from the Paleoproterozoic Dhala impact structure, India Jayanta Kumar Pati, Fred Jourdan, Richard Austin Armstrong, Wolf Uwe Reimold, and Kuldeep Prakash |
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Shock Deformation Phenomena and Experimental Studies |
28. | Relative shock effects in mixed powders of calcite, gypsum, and quartz: A calibration scheme from shock experiments Mary Sue Bell |
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29. | Ballen quartz and cristobalite in impactites: New investigations Ludovic Ferrière, Christian Koeberl, Eugen Libowitzky, W. Uwe Reimold, Ansgar Greshake, and Franz Brandstätter |
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30. | Microchemical investigation of small-scale pseudotachylitic breccias from the Archean gneiss of the Vredefort Dome, South Africa Tanja Mohr-Westheide and Wolf Uwe Reimold |
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31. | Iron oxidation state and local structure in North American tektites Gabriele Giuli, Sigrid Griet Eeckhout, Maria Rita Cicconi, Christian Koeberl, Giovanni Pratesi, and Eleonora Paris |
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32. | Iron reduction in silicate glass produced during the 1945 nuclear test at the Trinity site (Alamogordo, New Mexico, USA) Gabriele Giuli, Giovanni Pratesi, Sigrid Griet Eeckhout, Christian Koeberl, and Eleonora Paris |
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