GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - Special Paper 466

The Ordovician Earth System

Edited by Stanley C. Finney and William B.N. Berry

Stanley C. Finney and William B.N. Berry
1. Global setting of Ordovician orogenesis
Cees R. van Staal and Robert D. Hatcher, Jr.
2. Ordovician explosive volcanism
Warren D. Huff, Stig M. Bergström, and Dennis R. Kolata
3. Toward identifying potential causes for stratigraphic change in subtropical to tropical Laurentia during the Mohawkian (early Late Ordovician)
Achim D. Herrmann and Bernd J. Haupt
4. The Upper Ordovician Guttenberg δ13C excursion (GICE) in North America and Baltoscandia: Occurrence, chronostratigraphic significance, and paleoenvironmental relationships
Stig M. Bergström, Birger Schmitz, Matthew R. Saltzman, and Warren D. Huff
5. The Ordovician brachiopod radiation: Roles of alpha, beta, and gamma diversity
David A.T. Harper
6. Ordovician paleogeography and tectonics of the major paleoplates of China
Chen Xu, Zhou Zhi-yi, and Fan Jun-xuan
7. Ordovician of the Siberian Platform
Alexander V. Kanygin, Tatiana N. Koren, Anastasia G. Yadrenkina, Alexander V. Timokhin, Oleg V. Sychev, and Tatiana Yu. Tolmacheva
8. Early–Middle Ordovician conodont paleobiogeography with special regard to the geographic origin of the Argentine Precordillera: A multivariate data analysis
Guillermo L. Albanesi and Stig M. Bergström
9. Black shales: An Ordovician perspective
William B.N. Berry
10. Paleogeographic, paleoceanographic, and tectonic controls on early Late Ordovician graptolite diversity patterns
Daniel Goldman and Wu Shuang-Ye
11. Origin of Late Ordovician (mid-Mohawkian) temperate-water conditions on southeastern Laurentia: Glacial or tectonic?
Frank R. Ettensohn
12. Correlations across a facies mosaic within the Lexington Limestone of central Kentucky, USA, using whole-rock stable isotope compositions
John W. Coates, Frank R. Ettensohn, and Harold D. Rowe