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Table of Contents - Special Paper 468

Late Paleozoic Glacial Events and Postglacial Transgressions in Gondwana

Edited by Oscar López-Gamundí and Luis A. Buatois

Introduction: Late Paleozoic glacial events and postglacial transgressions in Gondwana
Oscar R. López-Gamundí and Luis A. Buatois
1. Transgressions related to the demise of the Late Paleozoic Ice Age: Their sequence stratigraphic context
Oscar R. López-Gamundí
2. From bergs to ergs: The late Paleozoic Gondwanan glaciation and its aftermath in Saudi Arabia
John Melvin, Ronald A. Sprague, and Christian J. Heine
3. Environmental and paleogeographic implications of glaciotectonic deformation of glaciomarine deposits within Permian strata of the Metschel Tillite, southern Victoria Land, Antarctica
John L. Isbell
4. Formation of euxinic lakes during the deglaciation phase in the Early Permian of East Africa
Thomas Kreuser and Gebretinsae Woldu
5. Stratigraphic and paleofloristic record of the Lower Permian postglacial succession in the southern Brazilian Paraná Basin
Roberto Iannuzzi, Paulo A. Souza, and Michael Holz
6. "Levipustula Fauna" in central-western Argentina and its relationships with the Carboniferous glacial event in the southwestern Gondwanan margin
Gabriela A. Cisterna and Andrea F. Sterren
7. Ichnology of late Paleozoic postglacial transgressive deposits in Gondwana: Reconstructing salinity conditions in coastal ecosystems affected by strong meltwater discharge
Luis A. Buatois, Renata G. Netto, and M. Gabriela Mángano
8. Ichnology of the latest Carboniferous–earliest Permian transgression in the Paganzo Basin of western Argentina: The interplay of ecology, sea-level rise, and paleogeography during postglacial times in Gondwana
Patricio R. Desjardins, Luis A. Buatois, M. Gabriela Mángano, and Carlos O. Limarino
9. Reconstruction of a high-latitude, postglacial lake: Mackellar Formation (Permian), Transantarctic Mountains
Molly F. Miller and John L. Isbell