edited by Manuel Sintubin, Iain S. Stewart, Tina M. Niemi, and Erhan Altunel
Manuel Sintubin, Iain S. Stewart, Tina M. Niemi, and Erhan Altunel |
Acknowledgments |
Understanding Earthquakes in the Ancient World |
1. |
Dynamic landscapes and human evolution
Geoffrey C.P. King and Geoffrey N. Bailey |
2. |
Tectonic environments of ancient civilizations: Opportunities for archaeoseismological and anthropological studies
Eric R. Force and Bruce G. McFadgen |
Historical Earthquakes and Their Societal Impact |
3. |
The door knockers of Mansurah: Strong shaking in a region of low perceived seismic risk, Sindh, Pakistan
Roger Bilham and Sarosh Lodi |
4. |
San Antonio de Mucuñó, Mérida Andes, Venezuela: Relocation of a doctrine town following the 1674 earthquake
Jaime Laffaille, Franck Audemard M., and Miguel Alvarado |
5. |
New interpretations of the social and material impacts of the 1812 earthquake in Caracas, Venezuela
Rogelio Altez |
6. |
The impact of the 1157 and 1170 Syrian earthquakes on Crusader–Muslim politics and military affairs
Kate Raphael |
7. |
Western Crete: From Captain Spratt to modern archaeoseismology
Manolis I. Stefanakis |
8. |
Earthquake archaeology in Japan: An overview
Gina L. Barnes |
Commentaries and Perspectives on Archaeoseismological Research |
9. |
Historical earthquake catalogues and archaeological data: Achieving synthesis without circular reasoning
John D. Rucker and Tina M. Niemi |
10. |
Historical earthquakes in Srinagar, Kashmir: Clues from the Shiva Temple at Pandrethan
Roger Bilham, Bikram Singh Bali, M. Ismail Bhat, and Susan Hough |
11. |
Earthquakes and civilizations of the Indus Valley: A challenge for archaeoseismology
Robert L. Kovach, Kelly Grijalva, and Amos Nur |
12. |
Comparing semiquantitative logic trees for archaeoseismology and paleoseismology: The Baelo Claudia (southern Spain) case study
Christoph Grützner, Klaus Reicherter, and Pablo G. Silva |
13. |
Long-term effect of seismic activities on archaeological remains: A test study from Zakynthos, Greece
Melek Tendürüs, Gert Jan van Wijngaarden, and Henk Kars |
14. |
Assessment of seismically induced damage using LIDAR: The ancient city of Pinara (SW Turkey) as a case study
Barış Yerli, Johan ten Veen, Manuel Sintubin, Volkan Karabacak, C. Çağlar Yalçıner, and Erhan Altunel |
Practices in Archaeoseismology |
15. |
Ancient earthquakes from archaeoseismic evidence during the Visigothic and Islamic periods in the archaeological site of “Tolmo de Minateda” (SE Spain)
M.A. Rodríguez-Pascua, P.G. Silva, V.H. Garduño-Monroy, R. Pérez-López, I. Israde-Alcántara, J.L. Giner-Robles, J.L. Bischoff, and J.P. Calvo |
16. |
Distinguishing damages from two earthquakes—Archaeoseismology of a Crusader castle (Al-Marqab citadel, Syria)
Miklós Kázmér and Balázs Major |
17. |
Archaeoseismological studies at the temple of Amenhotep III, Luxor, Egypt
Arkadi Karakhanyan, Ara Avagyan, and Hourig Sourouzian |
18. |
Archaeological evidence for Roman-age faulting in central-northern Sicily: Possible effects of coseismic deformation
Giovanni Barreca, Maria Serafina Barbano, Serafina Carbone, and Carmelo Monaco |
19. |
Faulting of the Roman aqueduct of Venafrum (southern Italy): Methods of investigation, results, and seismotectonic implications
Paolo A.C. Galli, Alessandro Giocoli, Jose A. Naso, Sabatino Piscitelli, Enzo Rizzo, Stefania Capini, and Luigi Scaroina |
20. |
Timing of earthquake ruptures at the Al Harif Roman aqueduct (Dead Sea fault, Syria) from archaeoseismology and paleoseismology
Mohamed Reda Sbeinati, Mustapha Meghraoui, Ghada Suleyman, Francisco Gomez, Pieter Grootes, Marie-Josée Nadeau, Haithem Al Najjar, and Riad Al-Ghazzi |
21. |
Offset archaeological relics in the western part of the Büyük Menderes graben (western Turkey) and their tectonic implications
Önder Yönlü, Erhan Altunel, Volkan Karabacak, Serdar Akyüz, and Çağlar Yalçıner |