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Table of Contents - Special Paper 472

Sixth Hutton Symposium on the Origin of Granites and Related Rocks

edited by J.D. Clemens, C. Donaldson, C.D. Frost, A.F.M. Kisters, J.-F. Moyen, T. Rushmer, and G. Stevens

J.D. Clemens

Plutonism versus Neptunism at the southern tip of Africa: The debate on the origin of granites at the Cape, 1776–1844
S. Master

The sanukitoid series: Magmatism at the Archaean–Proterozoic transition
H. Martin, J.-F. Moyen, and R. Rapp

The geochemistry of Archaean plagioclase-rich granites as a marker of source enrichment and depth of melting
J.-F. Moyen, D. Champion, and R.H. Smithies

Similarities between mantle-derived A-type granites and voluminous rhyolites in continental flood basalt provinces
S. Turner and T. Rushmer

Structural controls on melt segregation and migration related to the formation of the diapiric Schwerin Fold in the contact aureole of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa
L. Longridge, R.L. Gibson, and P.A.M. Nex

Parental magmas of Grenville Province massif-type anorthosites, and conjectures about why massif anorthosites are restricted to the Proterozoic
J.H. Bédard

Granite formation: Stepwise accumulation of melt or connected networks?
P.D. Bons, J.K. Becker, M.A. Elburg, and K. Urtson

Emplacement and assembly of shallow intrusions from multiple magma pulses, Henry Mountains, Utah
E. Horsman, S. Morgan, M. de Saint-Blanquat, G. Habert, A. Nugent, R.A. Hunter, and B. Tikoff

Four-stage building of the Cambrian Carion pluton (Madagascar)
M.O.M. Razanatseheno, A. Nédélec, M. Rakotondrazafy, J.G. Meert, and B. Ralison

Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility fabrics in syntectonic plutons as tectonic strain markers: The example of the Canso pluton, Meguma Terrane, Nova Scotia
K. Benn

Chemical structure in granitic magmas—A signal from the source?
J.D. Clemens, P.A. Helps, and G. Stevens

Causes of compositional diversity in a lobe of the Half Dome granodiorite, Tuolumne Batholith, Central Sierra Nevada, California
R.C. Economos, V. Memeti, S.R. Paterson, J.S. Miller, S. Erdmann, and J. Žák

The evolution of late-Hercynian granites and rhyolites documented by quartz—A review
A. Müller, A.M. van den Kerkhof, H.-J. Behr, A. Kronz, and M. Koch-Müller

Trace element constraints on mid-crustal partial melting processes—A garnet ionprobe study from polyphase migmatites (Damara orogen, Namibia)
C. Jung, S. Jung, E. Hellebrand, and E. Hoffer

Crustal melt granites and migmatites along the Himalaya: Melt source, segregation, transport and granite emplacement mechanisms
M.P. Searle, J.M. Cottle, M.J. Streule, and D.J. Waters

Zoning and resorption of plagioclase in a layered gabbro, as a petrographic indicator of magmatic differentiation
T. Hoshide and M. Obata

Author Index