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Table of Contents - Special Paper 474

Qualitative Inquiry in Geoscience Education Research

Edited by Anthony D. Feig and Alison Stokes

Anthony D. Feig and Alison Stokes

Theoretical Foundations
1. Methodology and location in the context of qualitative data and theoretical frameworks in geoscience education research
Anthony D. Feig
2. Theoretical perspectives on constructing experience through alternative field-based learning environments for students with mobility impairments
Christopher L. Atchison and Anthony D. Feig
3. A phenomenographic approach to investigating students’ conceptions of geoscience as an academic discipline
Alison Stokes
4. The qualitative underpinnings of quantitative concept inventory questions
Julie C. Libarkin and Emily M. Geraghty Ward

Methodology and Models
5. Ethnographic methods in analysis of place-based geoscience curriculum and pedagogy
Deborah Williams and Steven Semken
6. Developing a process model for visual penetrative ability
Matthew Alles and Eric M. Riggs
7. Designing a mixed-methods research instrument and scoring rubric to investigate individuals’ conceptions of plate tectonics
Scott K. Clark and Julie C. Libarkin
8. Qualitative methods applied in the development of an introductory oceanography concept inventory survey
Leilani Arthurs and Thomas Marchitto

Complete Studies
9. Geobiological opportunities to learn at U.S. fossil parks
Renee M. Clary and James H. Wandersee
10. What college-level students think: Student alternate conceptions and their cognitive models of geoscience concepts
Leilani Arthurs
11. Understanding, evaluation, and use of climate forecast data by environmental policy students
Toru Ishikawa, Anthony G. Barnston, Kim A. Kastens, and Patrick Louchouarn
12. Counting tectonic plates: A mixed-methods study of college students' conceptions of plates and boundaries
Karen M. Kortz, Scott K. Clark, Kyle Gray, Jessica J. Smay, Brendalee Viveiros, and David Steer
13. Student interpretation of a global elevation map: What it is, how it was made, and what it is useful for
Sandra Swenson and Kim Kastens