Edited by Anthony D. Feig and Alison Stokes
Anthony D. Feig and Alison Stokes |
Theoretical Foundations |
1. |
Methodology and location in the context of qualitative data and theoretical frameworks in geoscience education research
Anthony D. Feig |
2. |
Theoretical perspectives on constructing experience through alternative field-based learning environments for students with mobility impairments
Christopher L. Atchison and Anthony D. Feig |
3. |
A phenomenographic approach to investigating students’ conceptions of geoscience as an academic discipline
Alison Stokes |
4. |
The qualitative underpinnings of quantitative concept inventory questions
Julie C. Libarkin and Emily M. Geraghty Ward |
Methodology and Models |
5. |
Ethnographic methods in analysis of place-based geoscience curriculum and pedagogy
Deborah Williams and Steven Semken |
6. |
Developing a process model for visual penetrative ability
Matthew Alles and Eric M. Riggs |
7. |
Designing a mixed-methods research instrument and scoring rubric to investigate individuals’ conceptions of plate tectonics
Scott K. Clark and Julie C. Libarkin |
8. |
Qualitative methods applied in the development of an introductory oceanography concept inventory survey
Leilani Arthurs and Thomas Marchitto |
Complete Studies |
9. |
Geobiological opportunities to learn at U.S. fossil parks
Renee M. Clary and James H. Wandersee |
10. |
What college-level students think: Student alternate conceptions and their cognitive models of geoscience concepts
Leilani Arthurs |
11. |
Understanding, evaluation, and use of climate forecast data by environmental policy students
Toru Ishikawa, Anthony G. Barnston, Kim A. Kastens, and Patrick Louchouarn |
12. |
Counting tectonic plates: A mixed-methods study of college students' conceptions of plates and boundaries
Karen M. Kortz, Scott K. Clark, Kyle Gray, Jessica J. Smay, Brendalee Viveiros, and David Steer |
13. |
Student interpretation of a global elevation map: What it is, how it was made, and what it is useful for
Sandra Swenson and Kim Kastens |