By Susanne U. Janecke, Rebecca J. Dorsey, David Forand, Alexander N. Steely, Stefan M. Kirby, Andrew T. Lutz, Bernard A. Housen, Benjamin Belgarde, Victoria E. Langenheim, and Tammy M. Rittenour
Abstract |
2 |
Introduction |
3 |
Structural Geology of Dextral Fault Zones in the Western Salton Trough |
6 |
San Jacinto Fault Zone |
6 |
Clark Fault Zone
Right Slip across the Clark Fault Zone in Crystalline Rocks
Right Slip across the Clark Fault Zone in Sedimentary Rocks |
7 |
Coyote Creek Fault Zone
Displacement near Coyote Mountain
Displacement near Borrego Mountain |
17 |
San Felipe Fault Zone
Structural Geometry
Displacement |
21 |
Folds within the Dextral Fault Zones |
26 |
How Robust Are the New Slip Estimates? |
26 |
Basin Analysis and Fault Activity |
27 |
Structural Setting of the Study Sites 27 |
6 |
Stratigraphy of Pleistocene and Holocene Deposits |
27 |
Dating Initiation of the San Jacinto and San Felipe Fault Zones in the Western Salton Trough |
31 |
Changes after Initiation of the San Jacinto and San Felipe Fault Zones |
32 |
Early San Jacinto Fault Zone
Formation of the San Felipe Anticline within the Early San Jacinto Fault Zone |
32 |
Clark Fault
Santa Rosa Segment of the Clark Fault
Initial Blind Slip on the Tarantula Wash Segment of the Clark Fault |
32 |
Coyote Creek Fault
Coyote Ridge Segment of the Coyote Creek Fault
Borrego Badlands and Borrego Mountains Segments and Their Possible Precursors |
33 |
San Felipe Fault Zone |
34 |
Insights into Structural Reorganizations from Lithology, Provenance, Paleocurrents, and Depositional Environment of Basinal Deposits |
35 |
Younger Deformation |
35 |
Discussion |
36 |
Summary of Results from the Western Salton Trough |
36 |
Total Slip and Age of the San Jacinto Fault Zone |
36 |
Comparison to the Northwestern San Jacinto Fault Zone |
37 |
Lifetime and Interval Fault Slip Rates
Clark Fault
Lifetime Slip Rate
Interval Slip Rate
Coyote Creek Fault
Lifetime Slip Rate
Interval Slip Rates
San Felipe Fault Zone |
37 |
Total Lifetime Slip Rate across the San Jacinto Fault Zone |
38 |
Comparison of Slip Rates |
40 |
Variation of Slip Rates in Time and Space?
Implications for the Southern San Andreas Fault System |
41 |
Conclusions |
42 |
Acknowledgments |
43 |
References Cited |
43 |