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Table of Contents - Special Paper 475

High Geologic Slip Rates since Early Pleistocene Initiation of the San Jacinto and San Felipe Fault Zones in the San Andreas Fault System, Southern California, USA

By Susanne U. Janecke, Rebecca J. Dorsey, David Forand, Alexander N. Steely, Stefan M. Kirby, Andrew T. Lutz, Bernard A. Housen, Benjamin Belgarde, Victoria E. Langenheim, and Tammy M. Rittenour

Abstract 2
Introduction 3
Structural Geology of Dextral Fault Zones in the Western Salton Trough 6
San Jacinto Fault Zone 6
Clark Fault Zone
    Right Slip across the Clark Fault Zone in Crystalline Rocks
    Right Slip across the Clark Fault Zone in Sedimentary Rocks
Coyote Creek Fault Zone
    Displacement near Coyote Mountain
    Displacement near Borrego Mountain
San Felipe Fault Zone
    Structural Geometry
Folds within the Dextral Fault Zones 26
How Robust Are the New Slip Estimates? 26
Basin Analysis and Fault Activity 27
Structural Setting of the Study Sites 27 6
Stratigraphy of Pleistocene and Holocene Deposits 27
Dating Initiation of the San Jacinto and San Felipe Fault Zones in the Western Salton Trough 31
Changes after Initiation of the San Jacinto and San Felipe Fault Zones 32
Early San Jacinto Fault Zone
    Formation of the San Felipe Anticline within the Early San Jacinto Fault Zone
Clark Fault
    Santa Rosa Segment of the Clark Fault
    Initial Blind Slip on the Tarantula Wash Segment of the Clark Fault
Coyote Creek Fault
    Coyote Ridge Segment of the Coyote Creek Fault
    Borrego Badlands and Borrego Mountains Segments and Their Possible Precursors
San Felipe Fault Zone 34
Insights into Structural Reorganizations from Lithology, Provenance, Paleocurrents, and Depositional Environment of Basinal Deposits 35
Younger Deformation 35
Discussion 36
Summary of Results from the Western Salton Trough 36
Total Slip and Age of the San Jacinto Fault Zone 36
Comparison to the Northwestern San Jacinto Fault Zone 37
Lifetime and Interval Fault Slip Rates
    Clark Fault
    Lifetime Slip Rate
    Interval Slip Rate
    Coyote Creek Fault
    Lifetime Slip Rate
    Interval Slip Rates
    San Felipe Fault Zone
Total Lifetime Slip Rate across the San Jacinto Fault Zone 38
Comparison of Slip Rates 40
Variation of Slip Rates in Time and Space?
    Implications for the Southern San Andreas Fault System
Conclusions 42
Acknowledgments 43
References Cited 43