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Table of Contents - Special Paper 476Geoarchaeology, Climate Change, and SustainabilityEdited by Antony G. Brown, Laura S. Basell, and Karl W. Butzer |
Preface Antony G. Brown, Laura S. Basell, and Karl W. Butzer |
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Acknowledgments |
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1. | Geoarchaeology, climate change, sustainability: A Mediterranean perspective Karl W. Butzer |
1 |
2. | The Valdoe: A new Middle Pleistocene locality in the Boxgrove paleolandscape (West Sussex, UK) Matthew I. Pope and Mark B. Roberts |
15 |
3. | The geoarchaeology of Paleolithic rivers of southwest Britain Laura S. Basell, Antony G. Brown, Robert T. Hosfield, and Phillip S. Toms |
23 |
4. | Rolling stones: Understanding river-rolled Paleolithic artifact assemblages Robert T. Hosfield |
37 |
5. | Mapping the landform assemblages and archaeological record of the Lower Khuzestan plain (SW Iran) using remote-sensing and GIS techniques Laëtitia Dupin |
53 |
6. | Geomorphological study and paleogeographic evolution of NW Kefalonia Island, Greece, concerning the hypothesis of a possible location of the Homeric Ithaca Kalliopi Gaki-Papanastassiou, Hampik Maroukian, Efthimios Karymbalis, and Dimitris Papanastassiou |
69 |
7. | Sand dune morphodynamics and prehistoric human occupation in NW Ireland Jasper Knight and Helene Burningham |
81 |
8. | Holocene sedimentation in a pericoastal river system (South Wales, UK): Relationship tosea level, human activity, and coastal sediment flux Simon K. Haslett |
93 |
9. | Environmental change and evidence for Archaic and Woodland floodplain occupation along the lower Nottawasaga River, southern Ontario, Canada Mary J. Thornbush and Joseph R. Desloges |
105 |
10. | Geoarchaeology and archaeological landscapes in the Till River valley, northern England David G. Passmore, Clive Waddington, Tim van der Schriek, Basil Davis, Emma Tetlow, David Smith, and Jacqui Cotton |
117 |
11. | Holocene channel changes and geoarchaeology of the Exe River, Devon, UK, and the floodplain paradox Jenny A. Bennett, Antony G. Brown, Jean-Luc Schwenninger, and Edward J. Rhodes |
135 |
12. | Urban geoarchaeology and sustainability: A case study from Manhattan Island, New York City, USA Joseph Schuldenrein and Michael Aiuvalasit |
153 |
13. | The contribution of English Heritage Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund research to geoarchaeology and sustainability Ingrid Ward |
173 |
14. | Aggregate-related archaeology in England in a changing environment Antony G. Brown |
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