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Table of Contents - Special Paper 478

Volcanism and Evolution of the African Lithosphere

edited by Luigi Beccaluva, Gianluca Bianchini, and Marjorie Wilson

Preface and Acknowledgments v
1. Late Mesozoic to Quaternary intraplate magmatism and its relation to the Neoproterozoic lithosphere in NE Africa—New data from lower-crustal and mantle xenoliths from the Bayuda volcanic field, Sudan
Friedrich Lucassen, Gerhard Franz, Rolf L. Romer, and Peter Dulski
2. Holocene opening directions along the axes of the Red Sea (Afar) and Main Ethiopian Rifts: An overview
V. Acocella, B. Abebe, and T. Korme
3. The upper-mantle low-velocity anomaly beneath Ethiopia, Kenya, and Tanzania: Constraints on the origin of the African superswell in eastern Africa and plate versus plume models of mantle dynamics
Andrew A. Nyblade
4. The Ethiopia Afar Geoscientific Lithospheric Experiment (EAGLE): Probing the transition from continental rifting to incipient seafloor spreading
Ian D. Bastow, Derek Keir, and Eve Daly
5. Peridotite xenoliths from Ethiopia: Inferences about mantle processes from plume to rift settings
Luigi Beccaluva, Gianluca Bianchini, Robert M. Ellam, Claudio Natali, Alessandro Santato, Franca Siena, and Finlay M. Stuart
6. Evolution of the lithospheric mantle beneath the East African Rift in Tanzania and its potential signatures in rift magmas
Sonja Aulbach, Roberta L. Rudnick, and William F. McDonough
7. Petrology and geochemistry of alkaline lava series, Kilimanjaro, Tanzania: New constraints on petrogenetic processes
Philippe Nonnotte, Mathieu Benoit, Bernard Le Gall, Christophe Hémond, Joël Rolet, Joseph Cotten, Pierre Brunet, and Edikafumeni Makoba
8. Trace-element distribution between coexisting aqueous fumarole condensates and natrocarbonatite lavas at Oldoinyo Lengai volcano, Tanzania
Alexander J. Teague, Jacob Hanley, Terry M. Seward, and Frederik Reutten
9. Cameroon Line alkaline magmatism (central Africa): A reappraisal
Emmanuel Njonfang, Alexandre Nono, Pierre Kamgang, Vincent Ngako, and Félix M. Tchoua
10. Mineralogical and geochemical fingerprints of mantle metasomatism beneath Nyos volcano (Cameroon volcanic line)
M.I. Teitchou, M. Grégoire, R. Temdjim, R.T. Ghogomu, C. Ngwa, and F.T. Aka
11. Dolomitic volcanism in Zambia: Cr and K signatures and comparisons with other dolomitic melts from the mantle
D.K. Bailey and S. Kearns
12. Post-Paleozoic magmatism in Angola and Namibia: A review
P. Comin-Chiaramonti, A. De Min, V.A.V. Girardi, and E. Ruberti
13. Is the African cratonic lithosphere wet or dry?
Ikuo Katayama and Jun Korenaga
14. New 40Ar-39Ar ages and petrogenesis of the Massif d'Ambre volcano, northern Madagascar
C. Cucciniello, L. Melluso, V. Morra, M. Storey, I. Rocco, L. Franciosi, C. Grifa, C.M. Petrone, and M. Vincent
15. Metasomatism versus host magma infiltration: A case study of Sal mantle xenoliths, Cape Verde Archipelago
Costanza Bonadiman, Massimo Coltorti, Luigi Beccaluva, William L. Griffin, Suzanne Y. O'Reilly, and Franca Siena
16. Magmatic evidence for African mantle propagation into the southern Tyrrhenian backarc region
Teresa Trua, Michael P. Marani, and Fabiano Gamberi