GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - Special Paper 482

Societal Challenges and Geoinformatics

Edited by A. Krishna Sinha, David Arctur, Ian Jackson, and Linda Gundersen

Preface v
1. Integrating sensor data and geospatial tools to enhance real-time disaster management capabilities: Wildfire observations
Vincent G. Ambrosia, Donald V. Sullivan, and Sally W. Buechel
2. Ontological relations and spatial reasoning in earth science ontologies
Hassan A. Babaie
3. Geoscience metadata—No pain, no gain
Jeremy R.A. Giles
4. Geoscience data and derived spatial information: Societal impacts and benefits, and relevance to geological surveys and agencies
R.A. Hughes
5. Strategic Sustainability Assessment
B. Deal, E. Jenicek, W. Goran, N. Myers, and J. Fittipaldi
6. Grid query optimization in the analysis of cone penetration testing data
Patrick M. Dudas, Hassan A. Karimi, and Abdelmounaam Rezgui
7. The role and development of a persistent interoperability test bed for geosciences research
M.J. Jackson, G. Hobona, L. Bernard, J. Brauner, and C. Higgins
8. GEONETCast: Global satellite data dissemination and the technical and social challenges
George Jungbluth, Richard Fulton, Linda Moodie, Paul Seymour, Mike Williams, Lothar Wolf, and Jiashen Zhang
9. Developing and implementing international geoscience standards—A domestic perspective
J.L. Laxton and T.R. Duffy
10. The need for ontologies: Bridging the barriers of terminology and data structure
Leo Obrst and Patrick Cassidy
11. Data provenance for preservation of digital geoscience data
Beth Plale, Bin Cao, Chathura Herath, and Yiming Sun
12. Theoretical foundations of the event bush method
Cyril A. Pshenichny and Oksana M. Kanzheleva
13. Infusing semantics into the knowledge discovery process for the new e-geoscience paradigm
A. Krishna Sinha
14. Global Map: International cooperation in the mapping sciences
D.R. Fraser Taylor