GSA Bookstore |
Table of Contents - Special Paper 483Analogs for Planetary ExplorationEdited by W. Brent Garry and Jacob E. Bleacher |
Dedication | |
Preface W. Brent Garry and Jacob E. Bleacher |
Part I. Mission Training |
1. | Motives, methods, and essential preparation for planetary field geology on the Moon and Mars H.H. Schmitt et al. |
2. | A new paradigm for advanced planetary field geology developed through analog experiments on Earth K.V. Hodges and H.H. Schmitt |
3. | Geologic field training of the Apollo astronauts and implications for future manned exploration G.E. Lofgren et al. |
4. | Training Apollo astronauts in lunar orbital observations and photography F. El-Baz |
5. | Training astronauts to observe Earth from the space shuttle and International Space Station C.A. Evans et al. |
6. | Analysis of Antarctic logistics and operations data: Results from the Antarctic Search for Meteorites (ANSMET), austral summer season, 2002–2003, with implications for planetary surface operations D.B. Eppler |
7. | A historical overview of the Pavilion Lake Research Project—Analog science and exploration in an underwater environment D.S.S. Lim et al. |
8. | Robotic recon for human exploration: Method, assessment, and lessons learned M.G. Bualat et al. |
9. | Habitat dust contamination at a Mars analog B.J. Bos et al. |
10. | The NASA Spaceward Bound field training curriculum J. Rask et al. |
Part II. Geologic Analogs |
11. | Terrestrial gullies and debris-flow tracks on Svalbard as planetary analogs for Mars D. Reiss et al. |
12. | Periglacial landscapes on Svalbard: Terrestrial analogs for cold-climate landforms on Mars E. Hauber et al. |
13. | The Tuktoyaktuk Coastlands of northern Canada: A possible “wet” periglacial analog of Utopia Planitia, Mars R.J. Soare et al. |
14. | The Todilto Formation as an analog of short-lived Martian flood evaporates D. Vaniman et al. |
15. | Travertine and tufa from Dalhousie Springs (Australia)—Implications for recognizing Martian springs J.D.A. Clarke and M.C. Bourke |
16. | Comparative geological studies of volcanic terrain on Mars: Examples from the Isachsen Formation, Axel Heiberg Island, Canadian High Arctic M.-C. Williamson et al. |
17. | Theo’s Flow, Ontario, Canada: A terrestrial analog for the Martian nakhlite meteorites R.C.F. Lentz et al. |
18. | Cerro Negro volcano, Nicaragua: An assessment of geological and potential biological systems on early Mars B.M. Hynek et al. |
19. | The marine-target Wetumpka impact structure examined in the field and by shallow core-hole drilling D.T. King Jr. and J. Ormö |
20. | A Mars-oriented image database of hand lens–scale features and textures: The 1996 Skeiarársandur jökulhlaup example R.A. Yingst et al. |
21. | An inventory of potentially habitable environments on Mars: Geological and biological perspectives J.M. Dohm et al. |
22. | Utah’s geologic and geomorphic analogs to Mars—An overview for planetary exploration M.A. Chan et al. |
Part III. Field Guides |
23. | The “Holey Tour” planetary geology field trip, Arizona R. Greeley |
24. | Warford Ranch volcano, Arizona, field exercise R. Greeley and S. Cave |
25. | NASA volcanology field workshops on Hawai’i: Part 1. Description and history S.K. Rowland et al. |
26. | NASA volcanology field workshops on Hawai’i: Part 2. Understanding lava flow morphology and flow field emplacement P.J. Mouginis-Mark et al. |
27. | Field exercises in the Pinacate volcanic field, Mexico: An analog for planetary volcanism D.A. Williams et al. |
28. | Terrestrial analogs in the Mojave Desert of the southwestern United States for volcanic, sedimentary, and tectonic processes on other planets N.P. Lang et al. |
29. | Field guide to exhumed paleochannels near Green River, Utah: Terrestrial analogs for sinuous ridges on Mars R.M.E. Williams et al. |
Part IV. Lunar Mission Scenarios |
30. | Human exploration of the Gruithuisen Domes S.E. Braden and M.S. Robinson |
31. | Plan for a human expedition to Marius Hills and its implications for viable surface exploration architecture P.E. Clark et al. |
32. | A sortie mission to Schrödinger Basin as reconnaissance for future exploration M.K. Bunte et al. |
33. | Advanced regional-scale scenarios for lunar surface exploration P.E. Clark et al. |