GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - Special Paper 483

Analogs for Planetary Exploration

Edited by W. Brent Garry and Jacob E. Bleacher

W. Brent Garry and Jacob E. Bleacher

Part I. Mission Training
1. Motives, methods, and essential preparation for planetary field geology on the Moon and Mars
H.H. Schmitt et al.
2. A new paradigm for advanced planetary field geology developed through analog experiments on Earth
K.V. Hodges and H.H. Schmitt
3. Geologic field training of the Apollo astronauts and implications for future manned exploration
G.E. Lofgren et al.
4. Training Apollo astronauts in lunar orbital observations and photography
F. El-Baz
5. Training astronauts to observe Earth from the space shuttle and International Space Station
C.A. Evans et al.
6. Analysis of Antarctic logistics and operations data: Results from the Antarctic Search for Meteorites (ANSMET), austral summer season, 2002–2003, with implications for planetary surface operations
D.B. Eppler
7. A historical overview of the Pavilion Lake Research Project—Analog science and exploration in an underwater environment
D.S.S. Lim et al.
8. Robotic recon for human exploration: Method, assessment, and lessons learned
M.G. Bualat et al.
9. Habitat dust contamination at a Mars analog
B.J. Bos et al.
10. The NASA Spaceward Bound field training curriculum
J. Rask et al.

Part II. Geologic Analogs
11. Terrestrial gullies and debris-flow tracks on Svalbard as planetary analogs for Mars
D. Reiss et al.
12. Periglacial landscapes on Svalbard: Terrestrial analogs for cold-climate landforms on Mars
E. Hauber et al.
13. The Tuktoyaktuk Coastlands of northern Canada: A possible “wet” periglacial analog of Utopia Planitia, Mars
R.J. Soare et al.
14. The Todilto Formation as an analog of short-lived Martian flood evaporates
D. Vaniman et al.
15. Travertine and tufa from Dalhousie Springs (Australia)—Implications for recognizing Martian springs
J.D.A. Clarke and M.C. Bourke
16. Comparative geological studies of volcanic terrain on Mars: Examples from the Isachsen Formation, Axel Heiberg Island, Canadian High Arctic
M.-C. Williamson et al.
17. Theo’s Flow, Ontario, Canada: A terrestrial analog for the Martian nakhlite meteorites
R.C.F. Lentz et al.
18. Cerro Negro volcano, Nicaragua: An assessment of geological and potential biological systems on early Mars
B.M. Hynek et al.
19. The marine-target Wetumpka impact structure examined in the field and by shallow core-hole drilling
D.T. King Jr. and J. Ormö
20. A Mars-oriented image database of hand lens–scale features and textures: The 1996 Skeiarársandur jökulhlaup example
R.A. Yingst et al.
21. An inventory of potentially habitable environments on Mars: Geological and biological perspectives
J.M. Dohm et al.
22. Utah’s geologic and geomorphic analogs to Mars—An overview for planetary exploration
M.A. Chan et al.

Part III. Field Guides
23. The “Holey Tour” planetary geology field trip, Arizona
R. Greeley
24. Warford Ranch volcano, Arizona, field exercise
R. Greeley and S. Cave
25. NASA volcanology field workshops on Hawai’i: Part 1. Description and history
S.K. Rowland et al.
26. NASA volcanology field workshops on Hawai’i: Part 2. Understanding lava flow morphology and flow field emplacement
P.J. Mouginis-Mark et al.
27. Field exercises in the Pinacate volcanic field, Mexico: An analog for planetary volcanism
D.A. Williams et al.
28. Terrestrial analogs in the Mojave Desert of the southwestern United States for volcanic, sedimentary, and tectonic processes on other planets
N.P. Lang et al.
29. Field guide to exhumed paleochannels near Green River, Utah: Terrestrial analogs for sinuous ridges on Mars
R.M.E. Williams et al.

Part IV. Lunar Mission Scenarios
30. Human exploration of the Gruithuisen Domes
S.E. Braden and M.S. Robinson
31. Plan for a human expedition to Marius Hills and its implications for viable surface exploration architecture
P.E. Clark et al.
32. A sortie mission to Schrödinger Basin as reconnaissance for future exploration
M.K. Bunte et al.
33. Advanced regional-scale scenarios for lunar surface exploration
P.E. Clark et al.