GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - Special Paper 485

On the Strata of the Earth
A Translation of О Слояхъ Земныхъ

By Mikhail Vasil’evich Lomonosov; translated by Stephen M. Rowland and Slava Korolev

Irena G. Malakhova
Preface and Acknowledgments vii

On the Strata of the Earth
1. Concerning the Earth’s Surface 3
2. Concerning the Strata of the Earth That Have Been Exposed by Man 9
3. Concerning the Earth’s Interior and the Strata Exposed by Nature Herself 15
4. Containing Speculations about the Strata and the Interior of the Earth 19
5. Concerning the Usefulness of Speculations and Research about the Earth’s Strata, Especially in Our Fatherland 33

Translators’ Notes