GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - Special Paper 487

Mineralogical and Geochemical Approaches to Provenance

Edited by E. Troy Rasbury, Sidney R. Hemming, and Nancy R. Riggs

Preface and Acknowledgments v
1. The importance of an integrated approach to provenance studies: A case study from the Paleocene of the Faroe-Shetland Basin, NE Atlantic
Andrew Morton, David Ellis, Mark Fanning, David Jolley, and Andrew Whitham
2. Provenance of Upper Triassic strata in southwestern North America as suggested by isotopic analysis and chemistry of zircon crystals
Nancy R. Riggs, Andrew P. Barth, Carlos M. González-León, Carl E. Jacobson, Joseph L. Wooden, Evan R. Howell, and J. Douglas Walker
3. Detrital zircon U-Pb age and Hf-isotope perspective on sediment provenance and tectonic models in SE Asia
Benjamin Clements, Inga Sevastjanova, Robert Hall, Elena A. Belousova, William L. Griffin, and Norman Pearson
4. Application of detrital zircon provenance in paleogeographic reconstruction of an intermontane basin system, Paleogene Renova Formation, southwest Montana
Jennifer L. Rothfuss, Kevin Lielke, and Amy L. Weislogel
5. Nunatak moraines as a repository of what lies beneath the East Antarctic ice sheet
Emerson F. Palmer, Kathy J. Licht, R. Jeffrey Swope, and Sidney R. Hemming
6. Single-grain 40Ar/39Ar ages of detrital muscovite from loess on Long Island, New York
Vesna Kundic, Sidney Hemming, and Gilbert N. Hanson
7. Late glacial and deglacial history of ice rafting in the Labrador Sea: A perspective from radiogenic isotopes in marine sediments
Greg E. Downing and Sidney R. Hemming
8. Sediment budgets by detrital apatite fission-track dating (Rivers Dora Baltea and Arc, Western Alps)
Alberto Resentini and Marco G. Malusà
9. Cenozoic erosion in the Andean forearc in Central Chile (33°–°S): Sediment provenance inferred by heavy mineral studies
María Pía Rodríguez, Luisa Pinto Lincoñir, and Alfonso Encinas
10. High-frequency fluctuations in heavy mineral assemblages from Upper Jurassic sandstones of the Piper Formation, UK North Sea: Relationships with sea-level change and floodplain residence
Andrew Morton, David Mundy, and Gail Bingham
11. New technology and methodology for assessing sandstone composition: A preliminary case study using a quantitative electron microscope scanner (QEMScan)
Jessica L. Allen, Cari L. Johnson, Matthew J. Heumann, Jared Gooley, and William Gallin