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Table of Contents - Special Paper 488

Impossible Journey: The Story of the Victoria Land Traverse 1959–1960, Antarctica

By John G. Weihaupt, Alfred W. Stuart, Frans G. Van der Hoeven, Claude Lorius, and William M. Smith

Foreword by Peter-Noel Webb vii
Foreword by Devin Castendyk xi
Preface xv
Acknowledgments xvii
Landsat Image Mosaic of Antarctica xviii
Introduction xix

Chapter 1.

Planning and Preparation for the Victoria Land Traverse

Chapter 2. Scott Base to Skelton Inlet 3
Chapter 3. Skelton Glacier—Crevasse Country 17
Chapter 4. Crevasse Country to the High Plateau 27
Chapter 5. Following Crary’s Trail 37
Chapter 6. Fuel Cache in the Desert 47
Chapter 7. Seismo’s Discovery—And Disaster 55
Chapter 8. Apex Depot 63
Chapter 9. Into SnoCat No-Man’s Land 73
Chapter 10. Abandonment—And Discovery 83
Chapter 11. First Ascent—And Near Catastrophe 93
Chapter 12. Rescue and Reprieve 105


Appendices 117
Appendix A. The Wilkes Subglacial Basin 117
Appendix B. The Wilkes Land Anomaly 117
Appendix C. The Orontius Finaeus Map and Discovery of Antarctica 118
Appendix D. Region of Chaotic Ice: “Threading the Needle” 118
Appendix E. Craterform Subglacial Topography 119
Appendix F. Free-Air Gravity Contour Map of Antarctica 119
Appendix G. Free-Air Gravity Color Map of Antarctica 120
Appendix H. Outback Nunataks 120
Appendix I. USARP Mountains 121
Appendix J. Final Victoria Land Traverse Route 121
Appendix K. Seismic Location and Elevation Data 122
Appendix L. Glaciological Data 122
Appendix M. Traverse Station Numbers, Locations, and Elevations 123
Appendix N. Publications Resulting from the Victoria Land Traverse 127
Glossary 129
References Cited 131
Index 133