GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - Special Paper 492

Google Earth and Virtual Visualizations in Geoscience Education and Research

Edited by Steven J. Whitmeyer, John E. Bailey, Declan G. De Paor, and Tina Ornduff

Introduction: The application of Google Geo Tools to geoscience education and research
J.E. Bailey, S.J. Whitmeyer, and D.G. De Paor

I. Data Visualizations
1. Channel widths, landslides, faults, and beyond: The new world order of high-spatial resolution Google Earth imagery in the study of earth surface processes
G.B. Fisher, C.B. Amos, B. Bookhagen, D.W. Burbank, and V. Godard
2. Google Earth and geologic research in remote regions of the developing world: An example from the Western Desert of Egypt
B.J. Tewksbury, A.A.K. Dokmak, E.A. Tarabees, and A.S. Mansour
3. Lidar and Google Earth: Simplifying access to high-resolution topography data
C.J. Crosby
4. Enhancing usability of near-surface geophysical data in archaeological surveys via Google Earth
C.M. Williams, G.S. Baker, and B.A. Ault
5. Workshops, community outreach, and KML for visualization of marine resources in the Grenadine Islands
M.E. Stewart and K. Baldwin
6. Geoscience applications of client/server scripts, Google Fusion Tables, and dynamic KML
D.G. De Paor, S.J. Whitmeyer, M. Marks, and J.E. Bailey
7. Designing interactive screen overlays to enhance effectiveness of Google Earth geoscience resources
M.M. Dordevic
8. Geomorphological analysis of coastal depositional systems in SE Brazil aided by Google Earth coupled with the integration of chronological and sedimentological data by means of a Google Fusion Table
A. Zular, C.C.F. Guedes, V.R. Mendes, A.O. Sawakuchi, P.C.F. Giannini, A.P.B. Tanaka, M. Fornari, and D.R. Nascimento Jr.
9. Visualization of spatial and temporal trends in Louisiana water usage using Google Fusion Tables
J.A. Nunn and L. Bentley
10. Extreme dynamic mapping: Animals map themselves on the “Cloud”
E. Potapov and V. Hronusov

II. Digital Geologic Mapping
11. The new frontier of interactive, digital geologic maps: Google Earth–based multi-level maps of Virginia geology
O.P. Shufeldt, S.J. Whitmeyer, and C.M. Bailey
12. Automated export of GIS maps to Google Earth: Tool for research and teaching
P.L. Guth
13. Transferring maps and data from pre-digital era theses to Google Earth: A case study from the Vredefort Dome, South Africa
C. Simpson, D.G. De Paor, M.R. Beebe, and J.M. Strand
14. A test of the three-point vector method to determine strike and dip utilizing digital aerial imagery and topography
L.E. Hasbargen
15. Applications of Google Earth Pro to fracture and fault studies of Laramide anticlines in the Rocky Mountain foreland
D.R. Lageson, M.C. Larsen, H.B. Lynn, and W.A. Treadway
16. Geology from real field to 3D modeling and Google Earth virtual environments: Methods and goals from the Apennines (Furlo Gorge, Italy)
M. De Donatis, S. Susini, and M. Foi
17. Creating Interactive 3-D block diagrams from geologic maps and cross-sections
P. Karabinos
18. Terrain modification in Google Earth using SketchUp: An example from the Western Blue Ridge of Tennessee
J.S. Hill and M.J. Harrison
19. Interacting with existing 3D photorealistic outcrop models on site and in the lab or classroom, facilitated with an iPad and a PC
M. Wang, M.I. Rodriguez-Gomez, and C.L.V. Aiken

III. Virtual Field Experiences
20. Virtual fieldwork in geoscience teacher education: Issues, techniques, and models
F.D. Granshaw and D. Duggan-Haas
21. Developing virtual field experiences for undergraduates with high-resolution panoramas (GigaPans) at multiple scales
J.L. Piatek, C.L. Kairies Beatty, W.L. Beatty, M.C. Wizevich, and A. Steullet
22. Avatars and multi-student interactions in Google Earth–based virtual field experiences
M.M. Dordevic and S.C. Wild
23. A geology-focused virtual field trip to Tenerife, Spain
N.P. Lang, K.T. Lang, and B.M. Camodeca
24. Moving New York State Geological Association guidebooks into Google Earth
O.H. Muller
25. Benedict Arnold’s march to Quebec in 1775: An historical characterization using Google Earth
B.F. Rueger and E.N. Beck
26. Google Earth mashup of the geology in the Presidential Range, New Hampshire: Linking real and virtual field trips for an introductory geology class
J.D. Eusden Jr., M. Duvall, and M. Bryant
27. Google Venus
D.G. De Paor, V.L. Hansen, and M.M. Dordevic

IV. Educational Models, Learning Methods, and Assessment
28. Best practices on how to design Google Earth tours for education
R. Treves and J.E. Bailey
29. Building an education game with the Google Earth application programming interface to enhance geographic literacy
Tsan-Kuang Lee and L. Guertin
30. Developing a scope and sequence for using Google Earth in the middle school earth science classroom
H. Almquist, L. Blank, and J. Estrada
31. Google Earth geo-education resources: A transnational approach from Ireland, Iceland, Finland, and Norway
R. Hennessy, T. Arnason, I. Ratinen, and L. Rubensdotter
32. Using Google Earth to teach geomorphology
H.A.S. Dolliver
33. Development of a web-based hydrologic education tool using Google Earth resources
E. Habib, Y. Ma, and D. Williams
34. Oceanography and Google Earth: Observing ocean processes with time animations and student-built ocean drifters
A. Hochstaedter and D. Sullivan
35. Testing the effects of prior coursework and gender on geoscience learning with Google Earth
J. Gobert, S.C. Wild, and L. Rossi