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Table of Contents - Special Paper 493Recent Advances in North American Paleoseismology and Neotectonics East of the RockiesEdited by Randel Tom Cox, Martitia P. Tuttle, Oliver S. Boyd, and Jacques Locat |
Preface | v | |
1. | Origin of the Blytheville Arch, and long-term displacement on the New Madrid seismic zone, central United States Thomas L. Pratt, Robert A. Williams, Jack K. Odum, and William J. Stephenson |
1 |
2. | Pleistocene shorelines and coastal rivers: Sensitive potential indicators of Quaternary tectonism along the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North America Mervin J. Bartholomew and Fredrick J. Rich |
17 |
3. | Surface faults of the south Louisiana growth-fault province Richard P. McCulloh and Paul V. Heinrich |
37 |
4. | Evidence for post-Triassic brittle faults in eastern Connecticut and south-central Massachusetts using LiDAR, geomorphic, and geophysical data combined with field observations: Implications for the origin of the Moodus area seismicity Ronald T. Marple, Robert J. Altamura, Shelton S. Alexander, and James D. Hurd |
51 |
5. | Cenozoic faulting in southernmost Illinois W. John Nelson |
89 |
6. | Large earthquake paleoseismology in the East Tennessee seismic zone: Results of an 18-month pilot study Robert D. Hatcher Jr., James D. Vaughn, and Stephen F. Obermeier |
111 |
7. | Holocene faulting on the Saline River fault zone, Arkansas, along the Alabama–Oklahoma transform Randel Tom Cox, James Harris, Steven Forman, Tom Brezina, Joshua Gordon, Chris Gardner, and Sarah Machin |
143 |
8. | Structural controls on intraplate earthquakes in the eastern United States Mervin J. Bartholomew and Roy B. Van Arsdale |
165 |
9. | Earthquake-induced load casts, pseudonodules, ball-and-pillow structures, and convolute lamination: Additional deformation structures for paleoseismic studies John D. Sims |
191 |
10. | Seismic signatures: Small-scale features and ground fractures Ronald Counts and Stephen F. Obermeier |
203 |
11. | Improving seismic hazard assessment in New England through the use of surficial geologic maps and expert analysis Laurence R. Becker, Steven P. Patriarco, Robert G. Marvinney, Margaret A. Thomas, Stephen B. Mabee, and Edward S. Fratto |
221 |
12. | The 2008 U.S. Geological Survey national seismic hazard models and maps for the central and eastern United States Mark D. Petersen, Arthur D. Frankel, Stephen C. Harmsen, Charles S. Mueller, Oliver S. Boyd, Nicolas Luco, Russell L. Wheeler, Kenneth S. Rukstales, and Kathleen M. Haller |
243 |
13. | A critique of probabilistic versus deterministic seismic hazard analysis with special reference to the New Madrid seismic zone Zhenming Wang and James C. Cobb |
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