GSA Bookstore
Table of Contents - Field Guide 26
Neoproterozoic Glacial and Associated Facies in the Tanafjord-Varangerfjord Area, Finnmark, North Norway
by A.H.N. Rice, Marc B. Edwards, and T.A. Hansen
Excursion timing
Travel arrangements
Field logistics
Maps and literature
Geological Introduction
Stratigraphy, sedimentology, and paleontology
Structure and metamorphism
Isotopic age constraints
Magmatic history
Paleolatitude and paleogeography
Glacigenic deposits and associated strata
Natural history and cultural background
Excursion route and road log
Day 1. Lower Smalfjord Formation in South Varangerfjord and West Karlebotn, Varanger paleovalley (I)
Day 2. Lower Smalfjord Formation at Oaibaččanjar’ga and Selešnjar’ga, Varanger paleovalley (II)
Day 3. Lower Smalfjord Formation on Skjåholmen and Vieranjar’ga, Varanger paleovalley (III)
Day 4. Lower Smalfjord Formation and cap dolostones along N. Varangerfjord and Leirpollen, Varanger paleovalley (IV)
Day 5. Glacigenic rocks in the South Tanafjord-Vestertana area
Day 6. Upper Smalfjord Formation on Gæssenjar’ga
Day 7. Mortensnes Formation in the Las’sasuolo-Låk’sunjåkka coastal profile, West Tanafjord
Day 8. Associated Neoproterozoic strata along the Varanger Coast (Vadsø to Hamningberg)
References Cited