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Table of Contents - Field Guide 30

Late Cretaceous to Quaternary Strata and Fossils of Texas: Field Excursions Celebrating 125 years of GSA and Texas Geology

GSA South-Central Section Meeting, Austin, Texas, April 2013

Edited by Brian B. Hunt and Elizabeth J. Catlos

Preface v
Dedication vii
1. Late Cretaceous strata and vertebrate fossils of North Texas
Louis L. Jacobs, Michael J. Polcyn, Dale A. Winkler, Timothy S. Myers, Jamell G. Kennedy, and John B. Wagner
2. Friesenhahn Cave: Late Pleistocene paleoecology and predator-prey relationships of mammoths with an extinct scimitar cat
Russell W. Graham, Ernest L. Lundelius Jr., and Laurence Meissner
3. The search for Devil’s Eye: Retracing the historic Dumble survey with modern mobile technology
Ann Molineux, Louis G. Zachos, and Unmil Karadker
4. Depositional history of the upper Calvert Bluff and lower Carrizo formations, Bastrop, Texas
Thomas E. Yancey, Andrew Dunham, and Kevin Durney