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Table of Contents - Reviews in Engineering Geology (REG008)Neotectonics in Earthquake Evaluation |
Foreword Estimation of earthquake size for seismic hazards, Craig M. dePolo and D. Burton Slemmons Probabilistic seismic-hazard analysis using expert opinion,, An example from the Pacific Northwest, Kevin J. Coppersmith and Robert R. Youngs Seismic-hazard assessment in the central United States, Arch C. Johnston and Susan J. Nava Implications of the Meers fault on seismic potential in the central United States, Alan R. Ramelli and D. Burton Slemmons Neotectonic movement and earthquake assessment in the eastern United States, Patrick J. Barosh Neotectonics in the southeastern United States with emphasis on the Charleston, South Carolina, area, Pradeep Talwani Late Quaternary fault scarps, mountain-front landforms, and Pliocene-Quaternary segmentation on the range-bounding fault zone, Sangre de Cristo Mountains, New Mexico, Christopher M. Menges Index |