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Table of Contents - Reviews in Engineering Geology (REG013)Military Geology in War and Peace |
Forward | v | |
1. | Military geology in war and peace: An introduction Peter L. Guth |
1 |
2. | Geology and military operations, 1800-1960: An overview George A. Kiersch and James R. Underwood, Jr. |
5 |
3. | British military geologists through war and peace in the 19th and 20th centuries Edward P.F. Rose and Michael S. Rosenbaum |
29 |
4. | American geologist at war: World War I Walter E. Pittman |
41 |
5. | Millitary Geology Unit of the U.S. Geological Survey during World War II Maurice J. Terman |
49 |
6. | British applications of millitary geology for 'Operation Overload' and the battle in Normandy, France, 1944 Edward P.F. Rose and Claude Pareyn |
55 |
7. | Engineer intelligence and the Pacific geologic mapping program Gilbert Corwin |
67 |
8. | Military Geology Branch of the U.S. Geological Survey from 1945 to 1972 Maurice J. Terman |
75 |
9. | Dearly bought ridges, steep access valleys, and staging grounds: The military geology of the eastern DMZ, central Korean Peninsula C.P. Cameron |
83 |
10. | Clandestine Tunnel-4, northern Punchbowl, Korean Demilitarized Zone C.P. Cameron |
99 |
11. | Swords into plowshares: Military geology and national security projects James T. Neal |
111 |
12. | Military geology and the Gulf War Robert B. Knowles and William K. Wedge |
117 |
13. | Background and recent applications of military geology in the British armed forces Michael S. Rosenbaum |
125 |
14. | Geology education in the U.S. Army John C. Jens and M. Merrill Stevens |
135 |
15. | Recent activities in military geology at the U.S. Geological Survey William Leith and John Rodney Matzko |
139 |
16. | Remote sensing, terrain analysis, and military operations Jack N. Rinker |
145 |
17. | A proposed method for characterizing fracture patterns in denied areas Judy Ehlen |
151 |
18. | Playas and military operations James T. Neal |
165 |
19. | Role of geology in assessing vulnerability of underground fortifications to conventional weapons attack Thomas E. Eastler, Donald J. Percious, and Paul R. Fisher |
173 |
20. | Locations of sites for airstrips in North Greenland Daniel B. Krinsley |
189 |
21. | Selected military geology programs in the Arctic, 1950-1970 Louis DeGoes and James T. Neal |
205 |
22. | Hydrogeological assessments of United Nations bases in Bosnia Hercegovina C. Paul Nathanail |
211 |
23. | Military geology in support of nation assistance exercises in Central and South America Robert B. Knowles |
217 |
24. | Potable water well design for Humanitarian Civic Action well drilling missions John N. Baehr |
227 |
25. | Military geology should be upgraded as the U.S. Army stands down Allen W. Hatheway and M. Merrill Stevens |
233 |
Index | 239 |