EarthCache Masters
Here is your opportunity to get a status for visiting and developing Earthcaches. There are four Earthcache Master levels:
Bronze Earthcache Master
Visit and log three (3) or more Earthcaches in two (2) or more states/countries.
Silver Earthcache Master
Visit and log six (6) or more Earthcaches in three (3) or more states/countries and have developed one (1) or more Earthcaches.
Gold Earthcache Master
Visit and log twelve (12) or more Earthcaches in four (4) or more states/countries and have developed two (2) or more Earthcaches.
Platinum Earthcache Master
Visit and log twenty (20) or more Earthcaches in five (5) or more states/countries and have developed three (3) or more Earthcaches.
If you want to be rewarded JUST for EarthCache finds, you can do so through the EarthCache Discovery Award program.
Please note that you can not claim Earthcaches that you have personally developed as a "logged Earthcache". Also, we can only process applications that provide us ALL the information, including the country and state in which the EarthCaches were located. (Failure to provide the country/state information for the location of your EarthCache finds will void your submission).
Please make sure you don't not add more than 32 characters to any field....or you run the risk of your package being lost in the mail. Please keep your address as short as you can. Do not duplicate any information (such as state or Country) or we may not be able to process.
To receive your Earthcache Master status, please complete the EarthCache Masters Application Form.
Please note that from the 25 August 2010 due to the the increase cost of postage NO physical pins will be sent. Pins can be purchased through the EarthCache store.
Please note that we will not provide your details to a third party, or use your information for advertising. We may use your information to seek some feedback about Earthcaching to enable us to improve the program.