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2016 AGI Awards                                                           2016 National Awards

AGI Medal in Memory of Ian Campbell                                         GSA members are encouraged to nominate colleagues for the
  The AGI Medal in Memory of Ian Campbell recognizes singular
performance in and contribution to the profession of geology.               The William T. Pecora Award, sponsored jointly by NASA and
Candidates are measured against the distinguished career of Ian           the U.S. Dept. of the Interior, recognizes outstanding contribu-
Campbell, whose service to the profession touched virtually every         tions by individuals or groups toward understanding Earth by
facet of the geosciences. Campbell was a most uncommon man of             means of remote sensing. The award recognizes the work of those
remarkable accomplishment and widespread influence, and in his            in the scientific and technical community as well as those
career as a geologist, educator, administrator, and public servant,       involved in the practical application of remote sensing.
he was noted for his candor and integrity.                                Consideration will be given to sustained or single contributions of
                                                                          major importance to the art and/or science of understanding
AGI Marcus Milling Legendary                                              Earth through observations from space. Learn more at http://
Geoscientist Medal                                              

  The Marcus Milling Legendary Geoscientist Medal is given to a             The National Medal of Science is awarded by the President of
recipient with consistent contributions of high-quality scientific        the United States to individuals “deserving of special recognition
achievements and service to the earth sciences having lasting,            by reason of their outstanding contributions to knowledge in the
historic value; who has been recognized for accomplishments in            physical, biological, mathematical, engineering, or social and
field(s) of expertise by professional societies, universities, or other   behavioral sciences.” The award committee gives special attention
organizations; and is a senior scientist nearing completion or has        to younger U.S. scientists and engineers who may now be reaching
completed full-time regular employment. Prior to 2007, it was             a point at which their contributions merit recognition, as well as
called the AGI Legendary Geoscientist Award.                              to outstanding women and minority scientists. Learn more at

  To submit nominations for these and other awards, go to                   The Alan T. Waterman Award is presented annually by the                                        National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Science
                                                                          Board to an outstanding young researcher in any field of science
            GSA Today is                                                  or engineering supported by the NSF. Candidates must be U.S.
         Open Access Online                                               citizens or permanent residents 35 years of age or younger OR not
                                                                          more than five years beyond receipt of a Ph.D. by 31 Dec. of the
           Go to                                 year in which they are nominated. Candidates should have
                        and click on                                      completed sufficient scientific or engineering research to have
                                                                          demonstrated outstanding capability and exceptional promise for
                  the GSA Today cover.                                    significant future achievement through personal accomplish-
                                                                          ments. The Waterman Award complements the Vannevar Bush
                                                                          Award; both are designed to encourage individuals to seek the
                                                                          highest levels of achievement in science, engineering, and service
                                                                          to humanity. Learn more at

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