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GSA TODAY | OCTOBER 2015Preliminary Announcement and Call for Papers       to air transportation, and Amtrak rail serves Urbana-Champaign.
                                                                           In celebration of the 50th year of North-Central Section meetings,
 NORTH-CENTRAL SECTION                                                     we look forward to presentations and posters that highlight
                                                                           advancements in the geosciences since 1967, review developments
     50th Annual Meeting of North-Central                                  and current or emerging research issues in the various geoscience
     Section, GSA                                                          disciplines, and explore emerging research techniques or tech-
     Champaign, Illinois, USA                                              nologies. Presentations and posters to honor people whose
     18–19 April 2016                                                      research resulted in significant advances are especially welcome.
                                                                           CALL FOR PAPERS
The Illinois Prairie. Photograph by Dan Kirk.
                                                                           Abstract deadline: 26 January 2016
  1967–2016—Celebrating                                                      Submit abstracts online at
  50 Years of Geoscience in the
  Mid-Continent                                                            2016mtg/. The submission fee is US$10 for students and US$15
                                                                           for all others. If you cannot submit an abstract online, please
         The 50th Annual Meeting of GSA’s North-Central Section will       contact Heather Clark, +1-303-357-1018,
      take place at the I-Hotel and Conference Center on the campus of
      the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA. This loca-        In addition to the following Theme Sessions, we are soliciting
      tion offers the amenities of a diverse university community and      abstracts for general discipline sessions. Please direct questions on
      convenient access to the local flair of arts, entertainment, food,   these sessions to the technical program co-chairs: Hue-Hwa
      and drink. Cultural opportunities abound in the Urbana-              Hwang and Dave Larson,
      Champaign area, and abundant locally owned restaurants dish up
      a wide diversity of cuisines. Willard Airport provides ready access  Symposium
                                                                           S1. 		 Janis Treworgy Memorial Symposium. David H. Voorhees,
                                                                                 Waubonsee Community College,

                                                                           Theme Sessions

                                                                           T1. 	 50 Years of Geoscience in the Mid-Continent—Celebrating
                                                                                 Scientists and Their Legacy of Basic and Applied Research.
                                                                                 David R. Larson, Illinois State Geological Survey, drlarson@

                                                                           T2. 	 Reefs and Shallow Seas: Advances in High-Resolution
                                                                                 Stratigraphy and Paleontology in Silurian-Ordovician
                                                                                 Rocks of North America. Donald G. Mikulic, Illinois State
                                                                                 Geological Survey,

                                                                           T3. 	 Sedimentology and Stratigraphic Framework of the
                                                                                 Cambro-Ordovician Transition. Yaghoob Lasemi, Illinois
                                                                                 State Geological Survey,

                                                                           T4. 	 Black Shale and Associated Strata: Sedimentology,
                                                                                 Stratigraphy, and Paleontology. Joseph T. Hannibal,
                                                                                 Cleveland Museum of Natural History, jhannibal@

                                                                           T5. 	 Mississippi Valley–Type and Other Mineral Deposits of
                                                                                 the Midwestern USA. F. Brett Denny, Illinois State
                                                                                 Geological Survey,; Liliana Lefticariu,
                                                                                 Southern Illinois Univ.,; Martin Appold,
                                                                                 Univ. of Missouri,

                                                                           T6. 	 Next-Generation Sedimentary Systems Geobiology. Bruce
                                                                                 W. Fouke, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, fouke@

                                                                           T7. 	 Peeling the Onion: Building on a Century and a Half of
                                                                                 Geologic Research in the Illinois Basin. Charles Monson,
                                                                                 Illinois State Geological Survey,;
                                                                                 Nathan D. Webb, Illinois State Geological Survey,

                                                                           T8. 	 Shoreline Behavior, Paralic Architecture, and Lake-Level
                                                                                 Change in the Great Lakes. Todd A. Thompson, Indiana
                                                                                 Geological Survey,; John W.
                                                                                 Johnston, Univ. of Waterloo,;
                                                                                 Erin P. Argyilan, Indiana Univ. Northwest,
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