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Pardee Coterie                                                                        There are many ways        GSA TODAY |
                                                                                                         to include
   As many GSA members are aware, bequest gifts from the estates of R.A.F. Penrose Jr.
and Joseph Thomas Pardee have had historic and transformative impacts on GSA’s ability             the GSA Foundation
to carry out its mission of science, stewardship, and service. Fortunately, the story about        in your estate plans,
support from legacy gifts remains a current one.
   Since its founding in 1980, the GSA Foundation has received estate gifts totaling more              the following:
than US$7.2 million. Each gift represents an extension of trust to the Foundation and the
Society to wisely use these gifts to advance the geosciences. These commitments help                          ♦
GSA to deliver, in perpetuity, a robust scope of opportunities, services, and support for
core GSA priorities, such as research, professional development, and public awareness of       Name the GSA Foundation
the role of geoscience in our society.                                                             in your will or trust;

  The Pardee Coterie includes individuals who have informed the Foundation of their                           ♦
charitable plans to include support for GSA. The Coterie honors Joseph T. Pardee, a
32-year (1909–1941) employee of the U.S. Geological Survey, whose legacy reflects the                 Designate the
example of GSA members who are dedicated scientists and generous supporters of their                 GSA Foundation
community.                                                                                           as a beneficiary
                                                                                                   of a retirement plan
  If you have included the GSA Foundation in your estate plans, we would be honored to           or life insurance policy;
add you to the ranks of the Pardee Coterie. The Pardee Coterie includes 57 individuals—
We are confident there can be many more, and we would enjoy hearing from you!                                and

  The GSA Foundation appreciates gifts and commitments in all amounts. Your gener-                            ♦
osity helps GSA advance geoscience discovery and provide formative opportunities for
students and professionals.                                                                  Transfer stocks and securities
                                                                                                 to the GSA Foundation.
                         Thank you for your support of GSA
                             through the GSA Foundation!                                                      ♦

  For all inquiries regarding gifts, funds, and gift planning, please contact Chris                Please consult with
Tallackson, GSA Foundation Director of Development, +1-303-357-1007, ctallackson@                 your financial advisor, Visit the GSA Foundation website for additional information about ways          accountant, or attorney
to give at
                                                                                                       for guidance
                                                                                                 regarding all charitable

                                                                                                     giving decisions.

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