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experimental community requires coordinated and structured           One of the outcomes of the workshop was learning that it is essen-                       GSA TODAY |
growth in the numbers of researchers involved in physical experi-    tial to continue growing the U.S. community of experimentalists,
ments as well as instructors engaging students with classroom        to increase networking among the researchers so that we can                              37
experiments.                                                         advance our techniques, enable sharing of techniques and
                                                                     teaching approaches involving physical models, and to facilitate
PHYSICAL EXPERIMENTS PROVIDE CRITICAL INSIGHTS                       collaboration between experimentalists and others investigating
                                                                     tectonic processes. A valuable aspect of the 2015 workshop was the
  A strong U.S. physical modeling community will have mani-          presentation of innovative curricula, which inspired participants
fold benefits for research and teaching in tectonics. Below are a    to implement new activities within their courses. Having experi-
few examples of the insights provided by experimental data that      ment-focused workshops on a regular basis as well as continued
cannot be gained by other approaches.                                support for research and teaching involving physical modeling
                                                                     will grow this community and strengthen our understanding of
Provide Data for Calibration of Numerical Models                     deformational processes. A successor workshop planned for 2017
                                                                     will continue this effort.
  Numerical simulations of crustal deformation are plagued with
uncertainties about crustal structure, strength, and evolution.        Within the next ten years we hope to continue strengthening
Within physical experiments, the boundary conditions are             the collaboration between field geologists, numerical modelers,
known, the material rheology is constrained, and the evolution of    and experimentalists to build a stronger three-legged stool upon
deformation can be directly observed. Experimental results are       which we can advance our tectonic understanding.
the perfect data sets for validating our numerical models before
we apply them to crustal systems.                                    REFERENCES CITED

Provide Insight into Specific Processes                              Colletta, B., Letouzey, J., Pinedo, R., Ballard, J.F., and Balé, P., 1991, Computerized
                                                                           X-ray tomography analysis of sandbox models: Examples of thin-skinned
  Within the laboratory, we can isolate single mechanisms                  thrust systems: Geology, v. 19, no. 11, p. 1063–1067.
contributing to tectonic deformation. Scaled physical experiments
with controlled boundary conditions and constrained material         Davis, D., Suppe, J., and Dahlen, F.A., 1983, Mechanics of fold-and-thrust belts
rheology allow us to pinpoint the impact of targeted processes.            and accretionary wedges: Journal of Geophysical Research, Solid Earth,
Insights from this approach can assist the interpretation of field         v. 88, B2, p. 1153–1172.
data where multiple processes and mechanisms may have acted to
produce complex deformation patterns.                                Di Giuseppe, E., Corbi, F., Funiciello, F., Massmeyer, A., Santimano, T.N.,
                                                                           Rosenau, M., and Davaille, A., 2015, Characterization of Carbopol®
Outreach and Teaching                                                      hydrogel rheology for experimental tectonics and geodynamics:
                                                                           Tectonophysics, v. 642, p. 29–45, doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2014.12.005.
  Understanding geologic time is one of the hardest concepts for
students new to geology. Physical experiments can assist these       Feldman, A., Cooke, M.L., and Ellsworth, M., 2010, The Classroom Sandbox:
students because they demonstrate slow geologic processes                  A physical model for scientific inquiry: Science Teacher (Normal, Ill.),
happening over millions of years within minutes on the tabletop.           Dec., p. 58–62.
This helps students to integrate both space and time as they
directly observe the three-dimensional deformation and temporal      Hall, J., 1815, On the vertical position and convolutions of certain strata and
evolution of structures. The hands-on approach complements                 their relation with granite: Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh,
other styles of teaching within the classroom and reaches student          v. 7, p. 79–108, doi: 10.1017/S0080456800019268.
with diverse learning strengths. Additionally, physical experi-
ments provide an accessible means for hypothesis testing in the      Haq, S.S., 2012, Out-of-sequence thrusting in experimental Coulomb wedges:
classroom because the boundary conditions and material proper-             Implications for the structural development of mega-splay faults and
ties can be manipulated (Feldman et al., 2010). Furthermore, the           forearc basins: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 39, no. 20, doi: 10.1029/
visual and hands-on nature of physical experiments engages and             2012GL053176.
inspires students and the public alike.
                                                                     Herbert, J.W., Cooke, M.L., Souloumiac, P., Madden, E.H., Mary, B.C., and
  Physical experiments provide the only mechanism for direct               Maillot, B., 2015, The work of fault growth in laboratory sandbox
observation of the processes of tectonic deformation. Consequently,        experiments: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 432, p. 95–102,
they hold the key to understanding information obtained in the             doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2015.09.046.
field that documents the results of deformation and analytical/
numerical models that capture the physics of deformation. To best    Hubbert, M.K., 1937, Theory of scale models as applied to the study of
understand tectonic deformation, we need to use a variety of               geologic structures: GSA Bulletin, v. 48, no. 10, p. 1459–1520, doi: 10.1130/
approaches, including physical experimentation.                            GSAB-48-1459.

FUTURE DIRECTIONS                                                    Klinkmüller, M., Schreurs, G., Rosenau, M., and Kemnitz, H., 2016, Properties
                                                                           of granular analogue model materials: A community wide survey:
  In an effort to strengthen and expand the U.S. community of              Tectonophysics, v. 684, p. 23–38, doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2016.01.017.
physical experimentalists in tectonics, the U.S. National Science
Foundation sponsored a workshop in 2015 on “Analog Modeling          Reber, J.E., Dabrowski, M., and Schmid, D.W., 2012, Sheath fold formation
of Tectonic Processes” at the University of Massachusetts–Amherst          around slip surfaces: Terra Nova, v. 24, p. 417–421, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3121
with 46 participants. This workshop was a great success and                .2012.01081.x.
helped connect researchers and teachers using physical modeling.
                                                                     Reber, J.E., Galland, O., Cobbold, P.R., and Le Carlier de Veslud, C., 2013,
                                                                           Experimental study of sheath fold development around a weak inclusion
                                                                           in a mechanically layered matrix: Tectonophysics, v. 586, p. 130–144,
                                                                           doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2012.11.013.

                                                                     Tapponnier, P., Peltzer, G., Le Dain, A.Y., Armijo, R., and Cobbold, P., 1982,
                                                                           Propagating extrusion tectonics in Asia: New insights from simple
                                                                           experiments with plasticine: Geology, v. 10, no. 12, p. 611–616, doi:


                                                                     Manuscript received 27 May 2016
                                                                     Revised manuscript received 26 Aug. 2016
                                                                     Manuscript accepted 10 Sept. 2016
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