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extent, only a very subdued hairpin around the Jurassic–               tropics (e.g., present day Red Sea, Abu Dhabi) rather than the humid                 GSA TODAY |
Cretaceous boundary. For example, according to paleolatitudes          equator. Orography is known to perturb zonal circulation patterns,
computed using the widely cited Torsvik et al. (2012) APW path         but considering the wide spatial distribution and tight temporal
(Fig. 2, black triangles with vertical error bars across critical      coupling between source and seal rock formation in the Late Jurassic
interval 180–150 Ma), Ghawar was located in the center of the          of the Persian Gulf, one would expect a major orographic perturba-
ITCZ only during the Late Triassic and Early Jurassic; a transit       tion to rise (or disappear) in a few million years, shifting the para-
from the oil-generating ITCZ to the seal-generating austral trop-      digm from rapid horizontal plate motion, for which we have direct
ical arid belt is evident, but according to their APW path, it would   paleomagnetic evidence, to rapid vertical crustal motion, for which
have occurred in the Early–Middle Jurassic and therefore cannot        there is no evidence at least in the Persian Gulf.
readily explain the observed source-to-seal systems of the Persian
Gulf. However, soon afterward in the Cretaceous, paleolatitudes          Our plate-motion scenario of the Arabian passive continental
from virtually all modern APW paths come into close agreement          margin (where organic matter could be efficiently buried in sedi-
and can equally explain the Cretaceous source-to-seal oil systems      ments) crossing the ITCZ of high nutrient availability and organic
in the Persian Gulf region (Fig. 2).                                   matter productivity and rapidly drifting into the anhydritic seal-
                                                                       forming tropics seems to explain some of the key factors that
  Torsvik et al. (2012) recognized that the Jurassic “spike” and       contributed to the world’s Jurassic hydrocarbon richness, espe-
associated features seen in the Kent and Irving (2010) APW path        cially in the Persian Gulf, home of the world’s largest oil field at
differ strongly from their and other published APW paths (e.g.,        Ghawar (Alsharhan and Nairn, 1997; Sorkhabi, 2010). Notably, a
Besse and Courtillot, 2002). They attributed the differences as        reduced timing between source and seal formation as predicted by
largely an artifact of aliasing from the low number of input poles     our plate stratigraphy model reduces the uncertainties related to
deemed reliable by Kent and Irving (2010). We believe that the         oil maturation and migration relative to timing of trap formation:
retention of often poorly dated (±10 m.y. or more) or otherwise        Oil can migrate virtually any time after organic matter deposition
potentially biased paleomagnetic data, especially of earlier vintage   and maturation and still be efficiently trapped by the early-in-
for which, moreover, no direct assessment of sedimentary inclina-      place evaporitic seal lying immediately above.
tion error is available (e.g., Jura Blue Limestone sediments of
Switzerland, Sub-Tatric and Krakow Upland sediments of Poland,           In conclusion, our plate tectonic model for the genesis and
Tunisia Upper Jurassic sediments, Rio Grande do Norte dikes of         sealing of Late Jurassic oil, especially in the Persian Gulf, should
Brazil), is likely to attenuate the full expression of important       be considered a promising first-order model that will require
features of APW, such as the Jurassic polar shift (see Kent and        further tests and elaboration by means of finely dated, global
Irving, 2010, for a discussion).                                       plate-motion scenarios. These will in turn be obtained by means
                                                                       of a further improved inventory of well-dated and inclination
CONCLUSIONS                                                            flattening-free paleomagnetic data as well as paleoclimate models
                                                                       of paleogeographies cast in the appropriate latitudinal reference
  In this paper, we show how APW paths based on stricter accep-        frame according to the geocentric axial dipole model.
tance criteria can lead to an interesting reconciliation between
paleolatitudes, generalized zonal climate belts, and the generation    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
and sealing of the Late Jurassic Persian Gulf oil. Of course, not all
oil formed and was sealed in the plate-motion–mediated manner             The editor and three anonymous reviewers are thanked for insightful
we describe for Ghawar, as a notable example. Other oil systems        comments on an earlier version of this manuscript. This is Lamont-Doherty
like Neuqén and the Gulf of Mexico, where Jurassic latitudinal         Earth Observatory contribution #8049.
changes were smaller, may be controlled by other factors operating
at more local basin scales (orography, coastal upwelling, high         REFERENCES CITED
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