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Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities

Ads (or cancellations) must reach the GSA advertising office    enced in university structure and functions, expecta-    policies. We are an NSF Advance Institution and
no later than the first of the month, one month prior to the    tions of faculty, and the importance of curriculum       a member of the Ohio/Western Pennsylvania/
issue in which they are to be published. Contact advertising@   development are desired. Individuals with extensive      West Virginia Higher Education Recruitment, +1.800.472.1988 ext. 1053, or +1.303.357.1053.  contacts and experience with federal funding agen-       Consortium (HERC).
All correspondence must include complete contact informa-       cies such as DoE, DoD/ARPA-E, and NSF, non-
tion, including e-mail and mailing addresses.                   federal foundations, major energy companies, and            The Ohio State University is an equal opportu-
Rates are in U.S. dollars.                                      manufacturers are encouraged to apply.                   nity employer. All qualified applicants will receive
                                               Per line each                                                             consideration for employment without regard
                                                                   About Columbus: The Ohio State University             to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation,
                            Per Line for       addt’l month     campus is located in Columbus, the capital city of       gender identity, national origin, disability status, or
                                                                Ohio. Columbus is the center of a rapidly growing        protected veteran status.
Classification              1st month          (same ad)        and diverse metropolitan area with a population
                                                                of over 1.5 million. The area offers a wide range of            ENDOWED OPEN RANK POSITION
Positions Open              $9.20              $8.95            affordable housing, many cultural and recreational              IN QUANTITATIVE GEOSCIENCES
Fellowship Opportunities    $9.20              $8.95            opportunities, excellent schools, and a strong
Opportunities for Students  $0.00              $5.00            economy based on government as well as service,                   MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY
                            $5.00              $5.00            transportation and technology industries (see http://    The Department of Geological Sciences at Michigan
  First 25 lines                                       Columbus has consis-          State University [MSU] invites outstanding candi-
  Additional lines                                              tently been rated as one of the Top U.S. cities          dates to apply for a full-time academic year endowed
                                                                for quality of life. Additional information about        open rank tenure system position in geosciences
Positions Open                                                  the Columbus area is available at http://www             starting in Fall 2016. We encourage applications
                                                                                                 from across a broad spectrum of geoscience research
       DIRECTOR, SUBSURFACE ENERGY                                                                                       areas from individuals who employ advanced quan-
                 RESOURCE CENTER                                   Application Instructions: Apply to Academic           titative and computational analysis in their research.
                                                                Jobs Online at            We are seeking candidates who will develop a
          SCHOOL OF EARTH SCIENCES                              ajo/jobs/6952. Complete applications include:            vigorous externally-funded research program, teach
            OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY                               (1) curriculum vitae, (2) statement of research          and advise undergraduate and graduate students,
                                                                interests and teaching goals, (3) a vision statement     contribute to a collegial and inclusive environment,
Description: The Ohio State University invites                  describing the nexus of subsurface science, its          and engage in collaborative endeavors.
applications for the position of Director of the                development, and potential societal and environ-
Subsurface Energy Resource Center (SERC) at                     mental impacts, (4) names, addresses and emails of          MSU is committed to achieving excellence
the rank of full professor with tenure. We seek a               at least four professional references. Review of appli-  through diversity and encourages applications from
visionary leader for SERC who will foster its mission           cations begins immediately and continues until the       women, persons of color, veterans, and persons with
to facilitate research, education, and outreach                 positions are filled. Candidates may contact the         disabilities, and we endeavor to facilitate employ-
involving academia, industry, and numerous                      search committee chair, Prof. David Cole at              ment assistance to spouses or partners of candidates
stakeholders to understand and enable efficient,       .                                       for faculty positions.
economic, and socially responsible use of energy
resources with a reduced environmental footprint.                  The Ohio State University is committed to estab-         Details on how to apply will be found at
SERC was established at The Ohio State University               lishing a culturally and intellectually diverse envi- under posting number 2591. We will
in 2011 in response to recent technical advances                ronment, encouraging all members of our learning         begin reviewing applications in March 2016 but
that are leading to the rapid expansion of horizontal           community to reach their full potential. We are          the position will remain open until filled. Ques-
drilling operations for hydrocarbon-bearing shale in            responsive to dual-career families and strongly          tions regarding this position can be directed to M.D.
eastern Ohio. As one of the nation’s largest research           promote work-life balance to support our commu-          Gottfried, Chair of the Search Committee, at
universities and the state’s land-grant institution,            nity members through a suite of institutionalized
Ohio State has a wealth of expertise to contribute to
subsurface resource development and its associated              Check out the Job Board for
environmental issues, as well as a responsibility to            latest recruitment postings.
serve as a resource for policy makers. Shale develop-
ment has been the near-term primary focus of SERC,                                                                                                                                GSA TODAY |
but the scope of SERC and the Director’s responsi-
bilities encompass the full spectrum of subsurface
energy resources. This position is partially funded by
Ohio State’s Discovery Themes, a significant invest-
ment in key thematic areas in which the university
can build on its culture of academic collaboration to
make a global impact.

   Qualifications: We seek a national and/or inter-
national expert who holds a Ph.D. in fields related
to subsurface energy science, related environmental
science and/or technology; or other relevant fields
and has a proven track record of productivity and
excellence in research and teaching. He/she will
understand the importance to SERC of a fair and
balanced research portfolio in energy and related
environmental, economic, and social issues, and
outreach; will understand and embrace the impor-
tance of extension and outreach; and will have expe-
rience working with groups from varied technical
backgrounds ranging from layperson to expert.
Previous experience in organizing and administering
large research programs or a center is desired. The
candidate is expected to build strong collaborations
with faculty from varied departments across the
university and orchestrate large multi-disciplinary/
multi-institutional proposals. Candidates experi-

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