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GSA TODAY | MAY 2016  T218. Evidence for Neotectonic Earthquakes and Their Driving         Advocates: Raymond V. Ingersoll; Stephan A. Graham; Timothy
                      Mechanisms in the Intraplate Region of Central and Eastern           F. Lawton
                      North America
                                                                                             This session will honor William R. Dickinson for his leadership
                      Cosponsors: GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division; GSA       in the diverse fields of plate tectonics, arc-trench systems,
                      Geophysics Division; GSA Environmental and Engineering Geology       Cordilleran tectonics, sedimentary basins, sandstone provenance,
                      Division; GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division;         and geoarchaeology.
                      EarthScope; U.S. Geological Survey
                                                                                           T222. Proterozoic Accretion of the North American
                      Disciplines: Tectonics/Tectonophysics, Geophysics/                   Continent—United Plates of America Revisited
                      Geodynamics, Quaternary Geology
                                                                                           Cosponsor: GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division
                      Advocates: J. Wright Horton Jr.; Christine A. Powell; Robert
                      A. Williams                                                          Disciplines: Tectonics/Tectonophysics, Precambrian Geology

                        This session presents evidence for intraplate neotectonic earth-   Advocates: M.L. Williams; Karl E. Karlstrom; David Corrigan;
                      quakes in central and eastern North America and their driving        Jeffrey Amato; Deanne van Rooyen
                      mechanisms in relation to lithospheric structure, and invites novel
                      multidisciplinary field, laboratory, and modeling approaches.          This session will focus on the Proterozoic accretion and stabili-
                                                                                           zation of the North American continent, particularly the timing
                      T219. In Honor of Chuck Kluth: The Pennsylvanian–Permian             and orogenic processes including the stitching of Archean blocks
                      Ancestral Rocky Mountains and its Links to the Texas and             and the subsequent southward growth of continental crust.
                      Southern California—Northwestern Mexico Continental
                      Margins of North America (Posters)                                   T223. Rates in Metamorphism and Tectonism: From Mineral
                                                                                           Growth to Orogenesis
                      Cosponsors: GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division;
                      GSA Sedimentary Geology Division; SEPM (Society for Sedimentary      Cosponsors: GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and
                      Geology)                                                             Volcanology Division; GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division

                      Disciplines: Tectonics/Tectonophysics, Structural Geology,           Disciplines: Tectonics/Tectonophysics, Petrology, Metamorphic,
                      Stratigraphy                                                         Structural Geology

                      Advocates: Paul J. Umhoefer; Gary L. Gianniny; Ron Blakey            Advocates: Thomas M. Etzel; Eric D. Kelly; Kyle T. Ashley;
                                                                                           Elizabeth J. Catlos
                        This session explores the tectonics and basins within the
                      Ancestral Rocky Mountains and their link to the west Texas             This session focuses on rates of processes associated with meta-
                      Permian basin and South American collision and to the west and       morphism and orogenesis, specifically the connections and
                      southwest to the Pacific margin.                                     dependencies among various rates. We encourage submissions on
                                                                                           rates of diffusion, crystallization, heating/cooling, fault/plate
                      T220. Physical and Numerical Modeling of Geologic Processes          motion, and other orogenic processes.

                      Cosponsor: GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division             T224. Records of Subduction Initiation in Modern and Ancient
                      Disciplines: Tectonics/Tectonophysics, Geophysics/
                      Geodynamics, Structural Geology                                      Cosponsors: GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division; GSA
                                                                                           Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and Volcanology Division
                      Advocates: Raphaël Gottardi; Suzon Jammes; Lijun Liu; Gabriele
                      Morra; Mélody Philippon; Jacqueline E. Reber; Jolante W. van Wijk    Disciplines: Tectonics/Tectonophysics, Volcanology, Sediments,
                        This cross-disciplinary session will foster synergies between the
                      experimental and numerical modeling communities to quantify          Advocates: Nancy Riggs; Kathleen M. Marsaglia; Andrew P. Barth;
                      and improve the incorporation of geological processes in models      M. Robinson Cecil
                      from the mineral to plate-tectonic scale.
                                                                                             Geodynamic models for subduction initiation are testable in a
                      T221. Plate Tectonics, Arc-Trench Systems, Cordilleran Tectonics,    few ancient and modern examples (e.g., Cordilleran Permo-
                      Sedimentary Basins, Sandstone Provenance, and Geoarchaeology:        Triassic, Izu-Bonin-Mariana). The session explores subduction
                      A Celebration of William R. Dickinson’s Career                       initiation from rock record, temporal, and geodynamic perspec-
                                                                                           tives, emphasizing the need for integrative studies.
                      Cosponsors: GSA Sedimentary Geology Division; GSA
                      Publications; GSA Archaeological Geology Division; GSA Structural    T225. Tectonics of North American Cordillera and the Alps:
                      Geology and Tectonics Division                                       Celebrating the Telling-It-Like-It-Is Scientific Career of
                                                                                           Tim Wawrzyniec
                      Disciplines: Tectonics/Tectonophysics, Sediments, Clastic,
                      Archaeological Geology                                               Cosponsor: GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division

                                                                                           Disciplines: Tectonics/Tectonophysics, Structural Geology,


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