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Career Short Courses                                              Learn and explore a new topic.

Sat., 21 Oct.                                                     Don’t forget to sign up for a
• Preparing for a Career in the Geosciences                              GSA Short Course!
• Review and Preparation for the ASBOG Fundamentals of
                                                                   Go to
  Geology Examination                                                  registration to sign up. If you’ve already registered
                                                                              and want to add a course, please contact
EMPLOYMENT ASSISTANCE                                                         GSA Sales & Service, +1-888-443-4472.

Résumé Clinic                                                              Earn continuing education credits (CEUs)
                                                                     All courses offer CEUs, and most are at low or no cost.
Sun., 22 Oct., 9 a.m.–5 p.m., WSCC, Ballroom 6B, Fee: US$10        For full course descriptions, go to community.geosociety
(cash only).
  Bring a copy of your résumé and get valuable feedback. First-
come, first-served; space is limited.                                           Short Course questions?

Geoscience Job Board                                                 Contact Jennifer Nocerino,

Check the online Geoscience Job Board at
jobs for employment, fellowship, and student opportunities.

Let’s Celebrate Diversity!

On To the Future Events                                           Celebrate Diversity at the Diversity and
                                                                  On To the Future Alumni Reception
  GSA welcomes the new cohort of On To the Future (OTF)
award recipients. The following events are open to OTF students     Tues., 24 Oct., 5:30–7 p.m., Sheraton Seattle Hotel, Willow A
and mentors. WSCC—Washington State Convention Center.               All are welcome to this reception to share ideas and celebrate
                                                                  diversity with the geoscience community. The 2017 On To the
  OTF Welcome: Sat., 21 Oct., 4:30 p.m., WSCC, Atrium Lobby       Future awardees will be recognized with a special keynote from
(4th Floor)                                                       the 2017 Bromery Awardee. Appetizers and a cash bar provided.

  OTF Group Photo: Sun., 22 Oct., 6:15 p.m., WSCC, Exhibits       No Means No: How to Step Up and Stop
Hall, GSA Foundation                                              Harassment

  OTF Gatherings: Mon.–Wed., 23–25 Oct., 7:30 a.m., WSCC,         Mon., 23 Oct., noon–1:30 p.m., WSCC, Ballroom 6B
Atrium Lobby (4th Floor)                                            The damage done by harassers and bullies begins with those

  Diversity and OTF Alumni Reception: Tues., 24 Oct., 5:30 p.m.,  they target. It extends to those who witness or hear about it. And it
Sheraton Seattle Hotel, Willow A                                  poisons the atmosphere everywhere it happens—including in the
                                                                  workplace, in fieldwork settings, and at meetings and conferences.
OTF Broadening Participation in the                               What can you do to stop harassment when you’re the target? How
Geosciences through Effective                                     can you step in to stop it when you see it? Learn how to recognize
Mentoring and Social Capital                                      harassment for what it is and how to decide when to step up and
Development *Invite Only*                                         step in, plus approaches and methods that work to stop harassing
                                                                  and bullying behavior. Presented by: Sherry A. Marts, Ph.D.,
  Wed., 25 Oct., 3–8 p.m., and Thurs., 26 Oct., 8 a.m.–noon,      S*Marts Consulting LLC.
Sheraton Seattle Hotel, Ravenna                                                                                                         17
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