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Arkansas–Little Rock, Co-organizer:      detailed questions about their research. These awards will be
     Van Brahana, Univ. of Arkansas,              announced during the Tuesday afternoon posters/exhibits
5. 	 Hot Springs National Park and Finding Quartz Crystals.         reception.
     Sun., 11 Mar., 7:30 a.m.–5 p.m. US$40 (includes entrance
     fees and transportation; participants are responsible for      Student Travel Grants
     meals). Principal organizer: Doug Hanson, Arkansas
     Geological Survey,                   Deadline: 5 Feb. 2018
     Co-organizer: Ty Johnson, Arkansas Geological Survey,            Students who are GSA members and who register for the
6. 	 Lake Ouachita Geofloat. Sun., 11 Mar., 9 a.m.–4:30 p.m.        meeting are eligible to apply for student travel grants. For further
     US$36 (includes transportation and meals). Principal orga-     information, check the Section website.
     nizer: Ty Johnson, Arkansas Geological Survey, ty.johnson@ Co-organizers: Garrett Hatzell, Arkansas         Mentor Programs
     Geological Survey,; Doug
     Hanson, Arkansas Geological Survey, doug.hanson@                 For more information, contact Jennifer Nocerino at jnocerino@                                        
                                                                    Roy J. Shlemon Mentor Program in Applied Geoscience
Post-Meeting                                                        Luncheon. Monday 12 Mar., noon–1:30 p.m. Students and early
                                                                    career professionals will have the opportunity to discuss career
7. 	 Crater of Diamonds State Park. Wed., 14 Mar.,                  prospects and challenges with applied geoscientists from various
     7:30 a.m.–5 p.m. US$50 (includes transportation, entrance      sectors over a FREE lunch.
     fees, and meals). Principal organizer: Doug Hanson,
     Arkansas Geological Survey,          John Mann Mentors in Applied Hydrogeology Program.
     Co-organizer: Danny Rains, Arkansas Geological Survey,         Tuesday 13 Mar., noon–1:30 p.m. Students and early career pro-                                      fessionals interested in applied hydrogeology or hydrology as a
                                                                    career will have the opportunity to network with professionals in
WORKSHOPS/SHORT COURSES                                             these fields over a FREE lunch.

W1. 	 Earth and Space Sciences in the High School Integrated        Geoscience Career Workshops
      Approach. Cosponsored by the National Association of
      Geoscience Teachers Geo2YC Division; The International          For more information, contact Jennifer Nocerino at jnocerino@
      Association for Geoscience Diversity. Sat., 10 Mar., 8 a.m.–
      noon. US$20 students/US$30 all others (includes snacks        Part 1: Career Planning and Informational Interviewing. Your
      and course materials). Principal organizer: Keith Harris,     job-hunting process should begin with career planning, not when
      Arkansas Partnership for STEM Education at Univ. of           you apply for jobs. This workshop will help you begin this process
      Arkansas–Little Rock, Co-organizers:       and will introduce you to informational interviewing. This section
      Michele Snyder, Arkansas Department of Education,             is highly recommended for freshmen, sophomores, and juniors.; Wendi Williams, Univ. of         The earlier you start your career planning the better.
      Arkansas at Little Rock and Northwest Arkansas
      Community College,, wjwilliams@           Part 2: Geoscience Career Exploration. What do geologists in                                                     various sectors earn? What do they do? What are the pros and
                                                                    cons to working in academia, government, and industry?
W2. 	 High-Resolution Geophysical Imaging: An Aid for               Workshop presenters, and when possible, professionals in the
      Geological Mapping. Sun., 11 Mar., 8 a.m.–5 p.m.              field, will address these issues.
      US$100 students/US$250 all others (includes lunch, snacks,
      and course materials). Principal organizer: Ahmed Ismail,     Part 3: Cover Letters, Résumés, and CVs. How do you prepare
      Boone Pickens School of Geology, Oklahoma State               a cover letter? Does your résumé need a good edit? Whether you
      University,                         are currently in the market for a job or not, learn how to prepare
                                                                    the best résumé possible. You will review numerous examples to
W3. 	 Basic Seismic Attributes. Sun., 11 Mar., 1–5 p.m. US$50       help you learn important résumé dos and don’ts.
      (includes snacks and course materials). Principal
      organizer: Robert Schneider, Texas A&M Univ.–Kingsville,      LOCAL COMMITTEE Co-organizer: Gary Jones,
      Yosh Geophysical,                      General Chair: Michael DeAngelis,

OPPORTUNITIES FOR STUDENTS AND EARLY                                Technical Session Chair: Laura Ruhl,
                                                                    Field Trip Chair: Angela Chandler,
Presentation Awards
                                                                    Workshop/Short Course Chair: Kathy Knierim,
  Awards for the best student posters and papers are supported
by the GSA South-Central Section. To be eligible, students must     Student Volunteer Coordinator: René Shroat-Lewis,
be lead authors and presenters and should be capable of answering

                                                                    Exhibits Coordinator: Joshua Spinler,

                                                                    Sponsorship Chair: Beth McMillan,

18 GSA Today | December 2017
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