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Ten million years of geologic history across the Cretaceous-Paleo-
gene boundary in the Frontale quarry near Coldigioco (image
credit: A. Montanari).
events, such as meteoritic impacts, comet showers, and asteroidal Conero, and Frasassi will be organized with tourist buses, using
breakups, had in the biologic, environmental, and climatic local companies. It is recommended that participants arrive in
changes of planet Earth. Studies about this subject will be pre- Central Italy on Sunday, 24 Sept.; the ice-breaker reception is
sented in this Penrose Conference. scheduled for the evening of that day. On Saturday, 30 Sept., an
optional field trip to Monte Conero will be offered.
Last but not least are the tremendous advancements in the stud-
ies on the Pleistocene and Holocene history of this part of the The field trips will visit classic geological sites, such as at
world, which were focused on the extraordinary speleologic Gubbio, where the asteroid impact hypothesis at the K-Pg bound-
record of the Frasassi hypogenic cave complex (i.e., karstic geo- ary started; or Massignano near Monte Conero, where the GSSP
morphology, slack water deposits, extremophile sulfidic ecosys- of the Eocene-Oligocene Boundary is located; or the Frasassi
tems, speleo-archeology). Interdisciplinary studies by interna- caves, which are the largest show caves in Italy, and thus are of
tional teams of speleo-geologists, geochemists, radioisotopic and great importance for the work that is discussed at the meeting.
cosmogenic geochronologists, biologists, and archaeologists will
be presented at the meeting. Attendees and Estimated Costs
The main topics that will be emphasized as part of the program The normal registration fee will cover hotel lodging for six
include: nights (double occupancy), breakfast, lunch, dinner, and coffee
• Tectonics and Structural Geology breaks for five days, handouts, local transportation, and transpor-
• Integrated Stratigraphy and Astronomical Tuning tation for the field trips. Airfare is not included and participants
• Extraterrestrial Event Stratigraphy must make their own travel arrangements. A reduced fee will be
• Quaternary Geology and Geo-Bio Speleology available for those participants who have their own local transpor-
tation and accommodation arrangements. We anticipate to be able
Preliminary Agenda to support some students and possibly a few other participants
through the generosity of our sponsors. Registration fees have not
Day 1: Monday, 25 Sept.: Oral and poster sessions, Apiro been finalized. Please check the GSA website for the registration
Day 2: Tuesday, 26 Sept.: Oral and poster sessions, Apiro fee (
Day 3: Wednesday, 27 Sept.: Oral and poster sessions, Apiro
Day 4: Thursday, 28 Sept.: Field trip to Gubbio and surrounds Applications and Registration
Day 5: Friday, 29 Sept.: Field trip to Frasassi Gorge; visit to and
reception at Coldigioco, with art opening Application deadline: 31 May
Registration deadline: 31 July
The conference will be held in the historical Teatro Mestica in
the medieval hilltop town of Apiro, and the poster sessions will be Participants will have to commit to attending the full five
set up in locales adjacent to the main theater auditorium. To the days of the conference. Attendance is limited, for logistical rea-
attendees arriving with their own means of transportation, accom- sons, to 60 people. To apply, please contact the conveners at
modations in B&Bs in the immediate vicinity of Apiro are recom- with a letter of intent that includes
mended, whereas for all others, a shuttle service from/to the a brief statement of interests, the relevance of the applicant’s
Ancona airport or the Jesi train station can be organized; these recent work to the themes of the Conference, the subject of a
participants will stay at the Hotel Tetto delle Marche in Cingoli proposed presentation, and contact information. Interested grad-
(about 12 km from Apiro; half-board), and there will be bus shut- uate students and early career faculty are strongly encouraged to
tling in the morning and in the late afternoon to-and-from the apply. Once you have been selected to participate, you will be
conference site in Apiro. Lunches during the conference will be at sent registration information.
the Biroccio Restaurant in Apiro. Field trips to Gubbio, Monte
18 GSA Today | March–April 2017